33rd Yahrzeit of Rebetzin Chaya Mushka - Farbrengen from Daniel Wetzler - Video Eden on Vimeo.
The Chabad Talbiya - Mamilla Women’s Circle is giving an opportunity to Jewish women to tune in to an evening of song and spirit, in honor of the Rebbetzin .
“ Due to the pandemic, Chabad Shluchos are unable to convene and recharge in New York at our yearly convention,” said the organizers, “ We have decided instead, to share this special date with our local community as the venue and share it Live, connecting continents to Jerusalem. 7 Shluchos across the globe will be performing a song of their choice, and guest speaker is Renowned Mrs Miryam Swerdlov of NY".
"Interesting themes relevant to the Jewish woman will be presented and rare anecdotes will be shared of the quiet and unassuming regal figure who supported and stood behind the Unlimited work and achievements of her husband, The Rebbe", they added.