Constitution Committee Chairman MK Yaakov Asher (Shas) hosted in his office 13-year-old haredi girl Bassie Getter who became famous when video circulated showing her crying on the street after encountering aggressive police enforcement while she was walking her siblings in a stroller.
The girl came to the Knesset with her father, Yehoshua Getter, for a meeting with Internal Security Minister Amir Ohana and also with MK Yaakov Asher, to thank them for the discussion in the committee following the video's publication that dealt with "police conduct and the nature of coronavirus law enforcement on minors and special populations."
In the discussion that took place in the Constitution Committee, Father Yehoshua appeared, who told about the difficult case and the trauma that the girl experienced.
The discussion was poignant and dealt with police procedures regarding masks and police brutality in general.
After the discussion, Committee Chairman MK Asher sent the document summarizing the committee's decisions to Internal Security Minister Ohana and Acting Police Commissioner Moti Cohen, with the main demand being to establish a coordination body between the police and haredi public.
Following this, Minister Ohana had a conversation with the heads of the haredi parties in which the Minister announced he had appointed retired Commissioner Arik Yekuel to coordinate between Internal Security Minister Ohana, the police, and the haredim, who would help guide police and prevent such recent violence from reoccurring.
MK Asher said: “Anyone who watched the difficult video shuddered; surely this was no easy experience for you. Despite the pain, thanks to you we were able to make some changes for the better.
"Good things come to the world by way of good people. After your case, we were able to bring about rapid changes in police procedures. Immediately after the committee discussion, instructions were issued in the various police districts to lighten their foot on the enforcement gas pedal and focus on public information. The Minister wants to make a change in everything related to police violence. It won't be easy but the trend has changed and a lot is thanks to you."