Border Police officers were filmed Wednesday night using excessive force on a haredi youth suffering from mental retardation.
At the time of the arrest, the boy was recorded bleeding and crying: "Mommy, I want to go home." The video was distributed on social networks accompanied by severe criticism of the conduct of the officers.
Journalist Avi Mimran wrote on Twitter: "The heroes of the Border Police against an autistic boy. He shouts: 'Mommy, mommy, I want to go home ...' The citizens tell them that he is a mentally retarded boy, who is a student at 'Siach Sod' [an educational system for special needs youth] ... and them? Judge for yourself. "
"The neighborhood of Makor Baruch According to eyewitnesses, there was no demonstration at the site, but a minor disturbance of children in front of police officers about the dismantling of a bonfire .... The terrible thing about this story is that dozens of civilians are shouting to the police that the boy is mentally handicapped ... They did not stop for a second to look at his face," he said.
Media personality Melech Zilbershlag tweeted: "Big honor for Israel Police. I have no idea what happened there, but nothing in the world justifies so many big men beating up an autistic youth. This horror will pass in silence and no one will take care of it, I wish I were wrong.”