The family of Lt. Hadar Goldin, whose body has been held by Hamas for more than two years, called on the government to not return the body of the terrorist behind yesterday's deadly attack.
Goldin was killed during Operation Protective Edge in 2014. Hamas has held his body since then.
In a publicly releases statement, the Goldin family said that “The Israeli government has been given another opportunity to apply pressure on Hamas, which has turned the terrorist who murdered the late Levana Malichi and police officer Yosef Kirma into a national Palestinian hero whom Khaled Mashal and Ismail Haniyeh praise.”
"Only through using significant pressure against Hamas may we bring Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul back to Israel." the statement continued.
Hamas leader Khaled Mashall said of yesterday's terrorist that "The Palestinian people are proud of his heroism" and that his act of murder "defended the Palestinian people."
The Goldin family concluded their statement with an expression of condolences to the families of Yossef Kirma and Levana Malichi "who gave their lives for Israel's security."