A chilling video surfaced late Monday, apparently showing Islamist extremists threatening the Bataclan music hall in Paris for hosting pro-Israel events.
In the video, dated 2008, dozens of French Muslims, wearing keffiyehs to cover their faces, approach the venue and confront doormen over the event, stating they "support the Palestinian people." The spokesperson further accuses Israel of "committing crimes" against Palestinians in Gaza and in Judea-Samaria.
Video below is in French.
"If the Bataclan and the Migdal organize, as they did in previous years, an event for the Magav, the border police of the IDF, the people will not long support it and you will pay the consequences of your actions," the opening text reads, adding ominously: "Next time we won't come to talk."
Migdal is a Jewish non-profit organization which raises money for the Israeli Border Police; the Mirror reports that the venue hosted the annual fundraising gala there from 2006-2009.
The spokesman then addresses the camera, issuing a full volley of threats against the Bataclan, Migdal, and their supporters. The remarks were translated Tuesday by the Daily Mail.
"Our message is for the Bataclan owners - you will be held responsible for your actions," he says. "This message is also for the organizers, the Migdal."
"This pro-Israeli organization is racist and Islamophobic, insulting all the time Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims," he threatens. "You will pay for your actions. That's very serious what you're doing."
"This is a message for all those who are preoccupied by the implications of these provocations," he continues. "You must know that things are moving in our neighborhoods. The next time we won't be here to talk."
The footage foreshadows Friday's brutal killing spree in Paris, in which Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists killed 129 people and injured over 350.
Bataclan Theater was also targeted back in 2004 when the Israeli hip-hop duo of Subliminal and Hatzel performed there, despite threats by Islamists that nearly closed the performance. In a 2006 repeat, the venue gave in to the pressure and canceled the show in advance, forcing the Zionist rap stars to perform elsewhere.
A member of the radical group Army of Islam told French security services back in 2011 that "we had planned an attack against the Bataclan because its owners are Jewish."