Deputy Knesset Speaker MK Nurit Koren (Likud) submitted a bill on Thursday, calling to sharpen the sentencing against rock throwing terrorists who cause the death of their victims by classifying such cases as murder, and not manslaughter.
Koren's bill comes following the surprising indictment of manslaughter against the terrorists who threw rocks at Alexander Levlovich (64) as he drove in Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, causing him to lose control of the car and fatally crash.
According to the new bill, if a victim's death is directly or indirectly caused by rock throwing attacks, the terrorists will be accused of murder and not manslaughter, and they will receive a corresponding punishment - a life sentence.
"A rock is a weapon for all intents and purposes; in cases where someone's death is caused by rock throwing, we must sharpen the criminal offense and likewise the punishment," said Koren.
"When someone throws a rock at a person or car, he does it so as to inflict lethal damage, and therefore he must know that he will be punished with the full severity of the law," concluded the MK. "In terms of the law and punishment, we have to equalize the laws for rocks with the laws for handguns."
Koren's proposed law was formulated together with the Movement for Governability and Democracy.