Thirty days after the burial of abducted and murdered teens Gilad Sha’ar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrah, a memorial service was held on Tuesday at the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem.
The service was attended by the bereaved families, President Reuven Rivlin, Chief Rabbi David Lau, Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat and Knesset Opposition leader, Yitzhak Herzog.
Speaking during the service, President Rivlin linked the murder of the three boys to the ongoing Operation Protective Edge in the South.
“In the face of cynicism on the part of Hamas’ death engineers, we must stand strong in the pursuit of life and life’s morality,” Rivlin stated.
Rivlin turned to the boys’ families and said that “Thirty days after learning about the murder, we are still sad; we cry and are proud, together with you.”
Opposition leader Yitzhak Herzog said that “Since Naftali, Gilad and Eyal left us, much has changed here. Their deaths united entire populations.”
Racheli Frenkel, mother of the late Naftali, hy”d, also connected the boys’ murder with Operation Protective Edge.
“We would like to share the giant embrace we received with the families of the murdered and wounded soldiers," Frenkel said. "The personal becomes the public and the public becomes so personal."
According to Frenkel, “Just as in the days surrounding the abduction, I do not try and understand the way Hashem makes His calculations, but it seems as if there is a greater path of strength, patience and unity happening today."
"We are full of love and that love will conquer all.”