The road to “freeing” Jerusalem begins at the gates of the new military regime in Cairo, says the Israeli Islamic Movement’s deputy leader.
Kamal Al Khatib, deputy of the movement headed by radical preacher Ra’ed Salah, spoke by telephone Friday to a conference organized by an Egyptian revolutionary group, according to the Hamas terrorist organization’s website.
He charged that Israel is afraid of the new regime in Cairo because “it knows it advances the liberation of Jerusalem.” The new regime is increasingly influenced by the formerly outlawed radical Muslim Brotherhood, with which the Islamic Movement identifies.
His remarks, similar to those he made on Islam Online several weeks ago, underline the Movement’s opposition to Israel, particularly as a Jewish country.
Khatib said that he is not against Israeli law per se but that Arab Knesset Members’ loyalty to Israel does not include respecting “Jewish laws that violate religious or national loyalty.”
He previously has alleged that “we have every right to use all means in our possession to defend land” claimed by the Palestinian Authority. These rights do not contradict international law because the land is “occupied,” according to Khatib’s view.
He also said there is no difference between targeting Jewish civilians and soldiers in Israel because ”every Jew is a solider in the reserves.”