Channel 11 News' Roi Kais noticed a frame in an official Egyptian Army video clip depicting an Israeli warship. Calling the frame "very disturbing," Kais tweeted that it was "from a promotional video for the Egyptian Navy published a short time ago by an Egyptian army spokesman under the name 'Lords of the Seas' which depicts the destruction of a vessel on which the Israeli flag is hoisted."

Picking up the story, Galei Tzahal correspondent Jacky Hugi directed a query to the Prime Minister and Alternate Prime Minister, writing: "This is real time. Don't say 'we didn't know'. If you don't respond harshly to this thing, and also initiate a deep and comprehensive study of its meaning, then you're like a spectator who's fallen asleep.

"You need to know that the determining truth is what they tell the general public, not what they tell you in private meeting."

A netizen countered Hugi's tweet, writing: "In parallel with the 'sinking frame' of an Israeli ship, the narrator notes the naval effort in the Yom Kippur War, so it's not really a contemporary image video for the navy, but an historical montage that sometimes exist in our heritage films. A PR video about the Egyptian Navy, circa 2020, describes a similar scenario of drowning but without Israeli features."

Another wrote: "But I thought this is a frame from the historical part that relates to the October '73 war. It's like a freeze-frame showing the war in Egypt. Am I wrong?"

"One can find many reasons to ignore it, and indeed do find", Hugi answered these comments, "Every two days people tweet longings for Arab film and Umm Kulthum, as they show our ship being struck by a missile, with a narrator saying 'death', 'flames', and 'hell' in the background. It's time to ask what's going on in their heads."