
Professor Gabi Barbash, who in the past served as Director General of the Ministry of Health, on Sunday explained the symptoms of the coronavirus in an interview on Channel 12 News.

Barbash said the virus is "flu-like" in terms of its symptoms, but there are specific symptoms that most coronavirus patients will develop.

87.9% of coronavirus patients develop a fever, 67.7% have a dry cough, 38.1% will experience fatigue, 33.4% will have mucus, 14.8% will have joint pains and 13% will have a sore throat or a headache.

The vast majority of patients develop a fever, so a person suffering from flu symptoms but who does not have a fever is unlikely to have the coronavirus.

The virus attacks the respiratory system and, as a result, in the early stages of the disease it is expressed by dry cough, without mucus. The third most common symptom is a feeling of exhaustion and fatigue.

Prof. Barbash noted that anyone suffering from fever, dry cough and exhaustion should undergo a test to detect the coronavirus and stay at home so as not to infect others.