ParatroopersIsrael news photo: Flash 90

Captain Nir Doft, the outgoing Deputy Commander of Paratroopers' 202nd Battalion, will not be promoted as planned because of a prank he initiated, reports Yisrael HaYom.

Capt. Doft threw a gas grenade inside a closed room where he and the battalion's officers had gathered, for a going-away session that the battalion staff was holding for him.

According to the report, Doft put on a gas mask he had prepared in advance, and had soldiers film the entire event from outside the room. He also had the soldiers hold the door for several seconds and prevent the officers who were inside, coughing and banging on the door, from going out.

While most of the officers took the prank light heartedly, some were angry and informed the press.

Maj. Doft is considered an excellent officer. He is a graduate of the Bnei David pre-military academy in Eli and lives in Samaria (Shomron). He was scheduled to become a track commander at the Paratroopers' brigade training facility, but instead will be assigned to a desk job.