Nof Tzion
Nof TzionIsrael news photo: Haggai Huberman

Jewish residents in the troubled Nof Tzion project in eastern Jerusalem are protesting a threat to the project’s Jewish character as three United Nations workers move in.

The Jewish residents have sent a letter to the United Nations to express their fears of safety followed by visits by Arabs to the apartments being rented by UN employees.

A Nof Tzion resident said he knows of plans of more UN workers to rent apartments in the orthodox Jewish project.

“Visits by your Arab friends pose a security threat,” the letter stated, adding a demand that the Arabs respect the Jewish Sabbath.

Earliest this year, supermarket owner Rami Levy and Australian businessman Kevin Beimster arranged to prevent the project from falling into the hands of an American-Arab. They proposed beating his offer to buy out the debts of the Digal Investment and Holding Company, which initiated the project.

However, the agreement did not work out and Levy and Beimster backed out.

The letter to the United Nations stated, "As happy as we are about the UN's recognition of the development of this part of Jerusalem as a Jewish neighborhood, and with their desire to join our community, a difficult and serious security problem affecting our residents has arisen. UN officials living in the project host Arab friends from within and outside the area, without any security or identification inspections."

The phrasing may have been sarcastic because it is known that the United Nations opposed any Jewish presence in areas in northern, southern and eastern Jerusalem, where the Palestinian Authority claims sovereignty.