Shirley Marder with Organ Donor Card
Shirley Marder with Organ Donor CardIsrael news photo: Flash 90

A month after being hospitalized in critical condition and awaiting a transplant for a liver that was damaged by pain killers, Shirley Marder went home Tuesday without needing a transplant. “I am trembling” she said emotionally.

Marder was hospitalized in what a liver expert said was only the fifth case in the world of severe liver damage from the use of the Nurofen, painkiller, which she used after a tooth extraction.


As doctors prepared to for an urgent liver transplant after finding a donor in France, her condition suddenly stabilized. Doctors removed life support systems, and she recovered without needing the transplant.

“Thank you to all the people who supported me and cared, and prayed for me,” she said Tuesday. “And thank you to all of the news media who published my story…. And of course I want to say thank you to the entire staff here in Beilinson [Hospital] who did amazing work and took care of me, and it's simply hard to grasp.

“I still don't understand what happened – I'm sorry, I'm trembling. Some days are a haze for me and I only know what happened from what I am told. Thank you to Prof. Ben-Ari and Prof. Singer and Prof. Tadmor and thank you to G-d who gave me another chance to live."