Anti-Semites blame Jews for financial woes
Anti-Semites blame Jews for financial woes

Jews are facing increasing blame for the financial crisis, according to anti-Semitic incitement surveyed by the Anti-Defamation League. Several internet sites charge that Jews control the government and finance as part of a “Jew world order” and are to blame for the economic turmoil, ADL said.

The group's Center on Extremism noted that neo-Nazi and white supremacist websites also have spread hate messages. "We know from modern history that whenever there is a downturn in the global economy, there will be an upturn in the level of anti-Semitism and bigotry. That is what we are seeing now," said ADL national director Abe Foxman.


“The age-old canards about Jews and money are always just beneath the surface. As we witnessed after 9/11, whenever there is trouble or uncertainty in the economy or world events, Jews become the scapegoats, and ugly anti-Semitic canards are given new life."

The age-old canards about Jews and money are always just beneath the surface.


 “(Jews have) infiltrated Wall Street and Government and have ruined our country,” one website stated. Other comments included, “What is a GS Jew? Goldman Sachs? Jews are greedy, rotten slime balls.”


"They (Jews) love money nothing else, no faith or religion can be so heartless to their victims.”


Forum website operators have tried to remove the hate material but have been overwhelmed by the amount of anti-Semitic messages.


The white supremacist Stormfront website charges Jews with controlling the banking industry and holding power over governments.