Bo:Creed and Calendar
Bo:Creed and Calendar

On this Sabbath, when we read about the institution of the Jewish months, we recall that Samson Raphael Hirsch said, "The creed of theJew consists of his calendar". If you want to know what Jews believe in, look at their calendar. Not fair, you say? Other faiths have lists, "I believe... I believe..." Why not Judaism?

Maimonides and others actually tried to compile lists of creeds. Maimonides, for example, formulated thirteen

The creed of theJew consists of his calendar.

"Ikkarim" – principles of faith – which were later turned into a poem, "Yigdal", which entered the synagogue liturgy. But Maimonides was criticised, and some authorities such as the Ari z”l (Rabbi Isaac Luria) refused to include

Yigdal in their prayer books, on the basis that the whole of Judaism is holy and there is no justification for singing out thirteen principles and giving them extra status. Perhaps Hirsch's dictum is a further response to Maimonides, even though Hirsch himself and the German Jewish liturgy which he followed did not exclude Yigdal.

When Hirsch spoke of our creed being our calendar he was saying that creeds only matter when they find expression in action. The actions involved in our festivals show that we believe in G-d as Creator, Judge, Protector and Teacher, and in His dictates of truth, justice, freedom and peace.

The most intractable problem that has ever faced the human mind is why the righteous suffer and the wicked flourish. Job exemplifies the question. After agonising about an answer he says, "I lay my hand on my mouth" (Job 40:4). It could mean, "I give in. I have no answer". In that case the earlier part of the verse tells us why he surrenders: "hen kalloti mah ashiveka" – "Behold, I am too slight; what can I answer You?" In other words, "I simply cannot handle such a big problem". Ibn Ezra traces "kalloti" to a root that means"insignificant". If he is right, Job is saying, "Who am I to think I can find a solution?"

We see a hint of a way forward in the current reading. It constantly talks about Pharaoh's heart being hardened. 19 times the Torah speaks of the hardening of the heart; ten times Pharaoh hardens his own heart, nine times it is from G-d. Roughly half the problems come from man, roughly half from G-d. Whatever the mathematics, man has two problems of evil, not one. Evil that comes from man can be confronted by man. Human evil can be reduced by

Human striving can counter evil by justice and righteousness.

human effort. Human striving can counter evil by justice and righteousness. One need not say, "I lay my hand on my mouth".

The second category is evil that seems to come directly from G-d – a far more difficult challenge. Here the Job approach is helpful. Who am I to think I can find the answer? If I speak, all I do is make a noise. I would do better to lay my hand on my mouth. Yet that cannot be the end of the story. Though human limitations make the problem

hard and human faith must say, "G-d, I trust You and Your wisdom", we must also add, "But G-d, my mind is still troubled, and I pray that You may gradually reveal to me more of the ultimate truth".