The IDF (Israel Defense Force) reserve soldiers are beginning to march against the government, specifically, against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Defense Minister Amir Peretz, IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz, and all others who have failed the people of Israel. No doubt, if the law allowed, IDF soldiers currently in uniform would join them as eyewitnesses to the colossal failures of the government and the top military commanders.

This does not, however, stop the people from joining our patriotic reservists in their march to demand a change to clean government, and from a military high command that is so politicized that it should be named as a new political party.

Why should these young men march alone? They are our young sons and daughters, next up to fight under corrupted leadership that will get them killed, chas v'sholom (Heaven forbid), as they have all the others who died unnecessarily in the recent Lebanon debacle.

Perhaps there are lower, more incompetent governments in Africa, South America, even Europe, but Olmert and his ugly crowd of political crooks and hacks are certainly equal to the worst of this lot. Even where they are purported to be smart, namely in their back room dealings typical of all shyster lawyers, they fail. These are low, petty men and women whose only raison d'etre is what they can steal from the public treasury, while ignoring the safety of the nation.

Is it any wonder that reservists march against this gang of criminals? What about the kids just graduating from high school, having the choice of joining the vaunted IDF, a once-admired institution? They know that the officers now are simply a mafia being prepared to take their place in the ranks of politicians, with guaranteed salaries and special privileges. They know that the Prime Minister's Office is loaded with hustlers, waiting their chance to become sufficiently important so they, too, can stuff their pockets, and put their relatives and friends on the public payroll.

There are always a few who are honest and hardworking, and who believe in the welfare of the nation. However, Ariel Sharon and Olmert had a name for them. They were called "rebels". Men such as Uzi Landau, who, unlike most of the Olmert-Kadima gang, could never be charged with being a political crook.

Yet, the people chose Olmert, Peretz, Shimon Peres, Sha'ul Mofaz and Chief of Staff Halutz. The people made the choice, just as the Palestinians chose Hamas and the Lebanese chose Hizbullah, knowing full well what they were. The Israelis chose Kadima by a very small margin, knowing the worst of the Likud jumped to Kadima to get their share of anything they could grab.

If the people have any nobility left in their hearts, they would simply admit their mistake and march en masse with the reservists. Let each bring a broom and sweep, sweep, sweep until the vermin are gone.

The more we read about Israeli reservists taking responsibility to demand a professional inquiry into Olmert and Halutz's failures, the more shame for the nation. Isn't it about time that the people, be they reservists or just victims of the incompetence of Olmert, Peretz and Halutz, join the reservists in forcing these incompetents out of office?

The people have a right, even the mandate, to ensure that a government discharge its obligation to protect the nation. Clearly, Olmert and his gang of misfits have neither protected nor selected those people who can. All of Israel has grown used to fake inquiries, designed to protect the guilty, be they corrupt politicians or army officers selected for their political loyalty. All of Israel has grown used to a court system that is nothing more than an activist political party. These corrupt interests have declared war against the Israeli people, while claiming they have saved the nation from itself.

The state law is not holy, particularly when it has been designed by corrupt politicians to ensure that they stay in power and reap the benefits of excessive salaries, long vacations and other privileges accorded to no ordinary Israeli. It is time for a "people's court" and a "people's government" - none of which has been accorded to the Israeli nation. Clearly, the time has come, and almost gone, for the people to rise up and throw the crooks out into the street.

Don't leave it only to the young reservists. Let the nation pour into Jerusalem and set Olmert, his cabinet and most of the Knesset on a road without end. Let all the people rise up and force an honest government into office, without the protective shield of the biased Supreme Court system, set into motion to protect the politicians and the corrupt government. Let everyone go to Jerusalem and demand evacuation of government offices. Then, let the army, who will be ordered, as before, to attack the people, to simply turn around and go home.

Defying the will of the people is what you might expect in Russia, Egypt, Syrian and Iran, etc. It is past the time to allow the crooks to raid the public treasury and then claim how much they are doing for the people.