One is reminded of the kid who killed his parents and then pleaded for sympathy and mercy because he was an orphan.

Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is complaining that the protests against his unilateral disengagement may cause a civil war in Israel - implying that it would not be his fault. This is the man who put the issue of Gaza withdrawal to a referendum in his Likud party on April 29, 2004, promising to accept the results of the vote. When he lost, 60% against withdrawal to 40% in favor, he reneged on his pledge.

He later lost another crucial vote during a Likud party convention. At least half of the 40 Likud members of Knesset oppose the pullout. He needs their support for legislation to implement the uprooting of 8,500 men, women and children from their homes, farms, schools, synagogues, businesses and infrastructure in Gush Katif. This bill will have to be approved by the Cabinet later in the month. By early November, Sharon plans to present this legislation to the Knesset for the first of three votes.

Ehud Olmert (former mayor of Jerusalem and deputy prime minister) loudly announced that Judea and Samaria were similarly scheduled to be surrendered. A furious Sharon denied this was in his plans. He has adamantly refused to offer any explanation as to why he is retreating from Gaza/Gush Katif, and his plans for Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights and Jerusalem remain unknown.

Sharon has inspired - even incited - civil war and cannot claim victimhood, as if it wasn't his doing. By provoking a large majority of the Israeli people, he has inspired a civil war all by himself.

Sharon has ignored the warnings of his top generals and intelligence directors, who have repeatedly told him that terrorism will get worse and much closer when Gaza is occupied by Arab Muslim Palestinians and other international terrorists, like Al-Qaeda, who are expected to flood in from outside. Sharon not only ignored his military and intel experts, but he told them to "shut up" - and that "the decision is mine alone to make."

Few Israelis doubt that Sharon is on a short leash to Washington, that is the US State Department, which controls America's foreign policy no matter who is president. The State Department's MO (modus operandi) is to behave as if they truly believe they need to pacify the oil-rich Arab world. Gaza is one of the sacrifices expected - with more to follow.

The Jewish people deserve better than a prime minister who blames his own people when they object to his political tinkering as radical and dangerous. Sharon is trying to turn the facts on their head, as he blames those who object to his plan of re-partition. It is Sharon who has started the talk of civil war. His behavior is very Jungian. Carl Jung, the psychoanalyst, said a perpetrator will accuse his victim of the negative behavior the perpetrator himself intends to commit against the victim.

I suspect that not only will soldiers refuse to pull Jews from their homes, but many of the Jewish soldiers may very well walk over and create a barrier against those who are willing to obey Sharon's orders to drive Jews from their homes. If there is a civil war in the Jewish State of Israel, the fault will be Sharon's alone. Sharon's newly adopted role as dictator to his people does not go down well with a people who have just gained freedom - through 56 years of fighting hostile Arab Muslims who surround them just to stay alive - and created a blooming, successful Jewish democratic state.

Sharon has worked hard at dividing the nation to get his way. This dictatorial attack on those who do not wish to be driven out of their homes is the underlying reason for Sharon's accusations about an imminent civil war. It is time for Sharon to leave office and leave the decisions to newly elected people.