During the outstanding international conference, The Jerusalem Summit, October 12-14, 2003, the Hebrew Media Mafia predictably ignored the impressive roster of world renowned speakers and what they had to say. It did not require a stroke of genius to recognize that the Leftist media would ignore their profound and varied messages, because this was not a leftist symposium.

I have often recommended that a law be passed that would require the media to be fair and balanced. For every anti-Right/anti-nationalist article or editorial, a provision would be legislated to allow the opposition to purchase space at a price indexed at the media's base cost plus 5%. The base cost would be established by a panel of forensic accountants, lest publishing costs be inflated.

Presently, the three major Hebrew newspapers in Israel operate as a Mafia and in lock-step with the Leftist Labor Party. This denies the Israeli citizenry the right to hear the news in an unbiased manner, with no political spin implanted to misguide the reader.

Another impressive conference (The Jerusalem Conference: An Annual National-Economic Conference of B'Sheva Newspaper. "Determining Israel's National Agenda for the Next Generation") is scheduled for March 15-17, 2004. I must assume, as before, the owners, publishers, editors and journalists have already evolved a plan with the Labor Party to insure minimum fair reportage (even from their own staff who will be speaking).

I will repeat a recommendation which I have made numerous times:

Gather your people and make life hell for these biased media outlets, much the same as they have made life hell for you. March against these newspapers. Call every publisher, editor, journalist, director, broadcaster and the owners of the various media night and day. They are in the business of news gathering, and so should be grateful for your fair and courteous opinions. Send e-mails, faxes, letters to their offices and, if legal, to their homes. Engage the delivery truck drivers in conversations and ask them not to deliver inaccurate news. Send delegation to the offices of the executives who set policy, and demand fair and equal treatment and exposure. Lobby the Knesset for a "Truth in Publishing Law". Include in your protests the recognition that most of the Hebrew-language media are not independent news outlets, but a financially contributing ally of the Labor Party Left.

Each time they print a hostile article, that page has a financial value that equals a political contribution to the Labor Party - making their newspapers, radio and TV a direct extension of a political party. Printing or broadcasting false and misleading articles is like putting illegal dollars into the pockets of the leftist politicians.

Make them pay for manipulating and weakening the State of Israel by supporting withdrawals on every front, abandoning of Jewish citizens' homes, farms, factories and businesses. Every withdrawal only further emboldens the terrorists' that their crimes do pay.

The people of Israel and the Jews of the Diaspora have a right to the truth and not a version of Pravda or Al-Ahram, or other media outlets that filter the news for dictators.