Saudi Arabia and Trump’s wisdom of low expectations
Saudi Arabia and Trump’s wisdom of low expectations

President Trump is taking heat from all sides for sticking with Saudi Arabia even though it’s a sure thing that the royal family over there had a hand in the murder of Khashoggi.

They don’t know Trump.

Trump’s view is the big picture, which shows that it’s mostly scoundrels out there in the big world, so there isn’t much choice when it comes to finding a partner.

This doesn’t mean we have to be pals. It is simply a better and safer world to have the bastards on our side.

Trump knows this from his years as a worldly New York businessman, where it means doing business with sharpies. When that’s all there is, you have to deal with them, too.

Call it Trump’s wisdom of low expectations.

He already let it be known what he thinks of the world when he referred to Haiti and parts of Africa as s-hole countries, and if I read him right, he meant the rest of the world as well.

Of the 193 nations that make up the UN, figure 148 of them to be rotten to the core.
Is he wrong?

Of the 193 nations that make up the UN, figure 148 of them to be rotten to the core.

That’s the number of countries that recently, and once again, voted to disavow Jewish/Israeli rights to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

For me, that’s enough to place them all in the dumpster category…in all things.

Trump likely uses a different measure to distinguish the good, the bad and the ugly…experience and instinct.

Either way, as Anne Bayefsky pointed out at Oxford, human rights have no chance when full democracy exists hardly anywhere among the UN’s 119 non-aligned members.

She cited the Palestinian Authority (whose undeserved seat comes by way of its “non-member observer status,”) as being particularly corrupt.

But who isn’t? Where is there a country, where is there a continent where a sane person would say…ah…this is this place. This is where I want to raise my kids. Erdogan’s Turkey?

Do you plan to frolic in Honduras?

Let me come up with something that is not a failed state. Outside of the United States, Israel and Canada…well…I’m thinking…I’m thinking…

Afraid I’ll have to get back to you on that. Europe? Merkel finished that…and now even France is burning. Latin America? They’re at our border trying to get in.

Likewise, Africa, and frankly, it’s the same all over, because most of the world is in terrible shape. That’s because it’s run by fools, jesters and tyrants.

Given half a chance, 80 percent of the world would empty out to come to America.

Look at the Middle East…outside of blessed Israel it is chaos and darkness. Will you be planning your next vacation in Syria…in Yemen…or further, how about sunny Afghanistan?

Do you remember Sweden? Around here, people used to dream about the place. It was the symbol of a perfect country.

Men used to salivate for those blonde Swedish girls walking around in nothing but bikinis all day…and now…now they bolt their doors against the hordes that have been let in.

As if we don’t know the Saudis. They did 9/11. They fund and spread their particular brand of Islamic intolerance – the Wahhabi doctrine – throughout the world.

They build mosques with the aim to dominate our culture, thousands of them throughout Europe, Canada and the United Sates. They finally let women drive? Whoopee.

Trump isn’t fooled. He knows the score. As the saying goes; keep your enemies close. Trump knows what he’s doing.

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.

He is the author of the international book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal” and most recently “News Anchor Sweetheart.” Contemporaries have hailed him “The last Hemingway, a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Engelhard is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence. Website: