The West has embraced a new Communism of the mind
The West has embraced a new Communism of the mind

It was already hard to understand the “creative writing” that France has just given us - its grotesque evolution to the “inclusive writing”. It is the new intellectual fashion coming from the French Republique. And many French intellectuals are horrified.

The experiment has been embraced by politicians, officials, companies, associations and some members of President Emmanuel Macron's administration.

Inclusive writing means reshaping the French language to put an end to “the tranny of the male finale” with formulations such as "lecteur.rice.s" for the word "readers" to embrace both genders. The French language would be considered basically sexist and conveying an imaginary message which would justify the inferior status of women.

The new practice was adopted in a scholastic manual published by the publisher Hatier.

The writer Marc Lambron, a member of the French Academy, in an interview with Libération, called this experiment a “dictatorial thought” and a “form of imperialism” that indicates a symptom of democracies seized by “suicidal temptation”.

Another “Immortal” of France, the historian Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, called it a “linguistic manipulation” resembling the Soviet and Nazi regimes.

In the same vein, another “Immortal”, Frédéric Vitoux, provokingly asked: “What should we do with bisexuals, transsexual, asexual or hermaphrodites who refuse to join the two categories and would like to see their own rights recognized?”.

Writing in Le Figaro, the Canadian philosopher Mathieu Bock-Côté says that “under the pressure of political correctness, language is no longer destined to describe the most beautiful possible reality. It becomes a pure place where minorities should take revenge on history”.

The West is a new land of Wonders, where the Good has not simply concealed the Evil, but has even banned the thought that Evil could be written, heard or seen.
That is the real current suicidal temptation of the West and it goes beyond the “inclusive writing” but embraces the destruction of statues in the US, the censorship of books and novels, all the safe spaces and trigger warnings, the crazy cultural experiments we are producing these years in the West.

If we are able to forbid words and images from our dictionary, we will also be able to turn these realities into something inexpressible, into our very consciences. It's a totalitarian fantasy of total power that does not tolerate any dissent.

The West is a new land of Wonders, where the Good has not simply concealed the Evil, but has even banned the thought hat Evil could be written, heard or seen. The Western people are marching all together against sexism, racism, discrimination of all kinds, animal abuses, xenophobia, pollution, devastation of the landscape, smoking, cholesterol dangers, Aids, cancer.

But it is not enough to be against apartheid; it is not enough to favour tolerance, cosmopolitanism and the dialogue between cultures; it is not enough to share the sufferings of the new poor. No, that's not enough. We need to repeat it a thousand times a day. Like a mantra.

Welcome to the dictatorship of the new soft consensus, which is invisible and at the same time widespread and pervasive, without alternatives. It is a dictatorship desired by everyone and considered a form of protection. This consensus is the new Western communism.