Presently, one could compile a list of various media outlets that have repeatedly proven themselves to be hostile to the Jewish State - with some hostile to Jews generally, wherever they may be. There is a mixed bag of these flagship media giants who vary in their hostility often for different reasons. Sometimes it is merely company policy, sometimes driven by personal motives of controlling principals, sometimes it is merely a custom to which they have grown accustomed - and sometimes there is outside pressure. That can come from investors or board members who are involved in other companies who do business with hostile Arab nations and find it necessary to transfer their pressure.

We are all familiar with the reputations of such companies as the New York Times, CNN, NBC, BBC, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, NPR, the Boston Globe, the Philadelphia Inquirer, et al. Many of these media conglomerates most often spout the line of the pro-Arab State Department. The Chicago Tribune, for example, has been hostile to Jewish interests since as far back as the days of Colonel McCormick. That attitude seems deeply ingrained, as we read the often-slanted stories about Israel. We have shown the ?Trib? editors a collection that we have catalogued of specific media bias, including photo placement, headlines, juxtaposition of story and photo, all which create sympathy for the plight of the Arab Palestinian people as Israel responds to terror attacks directed by their leaders and supported by the Arab people. Their response was polite and passive, in effect rejecting evidence of their consistent bias.

In addition to the flagship journals, who mix their editorial content into their news, some of the radio and TV media giants have been egregious in their bias. One of the most steady news outlets that seems to cater to the ultra-Left, from the Arab point of view, and who consistently spins the news against Israel is NPR (National Public Radio) and its local affiliates, such as WBEZ in Chicago, among others. Its catalogued background of hostile programming against Israel is well documented. What is not really known is why NPR takes such a biased position?

These relevant questions have to be asked: Is Arab funding through front organizations flowing into NPR and its management mandating this hostility? Are some of the foundations that fund NPR demanding this anti-Israel programming, either overtly, through contract, or covertly, that is a non-written, but implicit, understanding? NPR has several large contributing foundations such as the Ford Foundation, etc. Are any of these foundations particularly active in funding pro-Arab interests in America or overseas?

Let us look at the Ford Foundation. It is no secret that Henry Ford, during his lifetime, espoused a pathological hatred of the Jewish people and was a great admirer of Adolph Hitler. Neil Baldwin, in his well-researched book Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate (1), tracks Ford?s numerous enterprises. Ford is shown to be so consumed with hatred for Jews that he starts a newspaper seemingly dedicated solely to castigating the Jews. Ford handed out the vicious Russian forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, dedicated to proving that the ?elders of Zion? plan to take over the world. There is a reprint in Baldwin?s book of an article, which originally appeared in the Chicago Tribune on March 8, 1923, written by ?Heinrich (Henry) Ford? containing admiring comments regarding Adolph Hitler. This book by Baldwin must be read to understand the depth of hatred the man had for the Jewish people. One must also begin to wonder what other institutions of Heinrich Ford?s time shared his hatred and what legacy did they leave in their own foundations?

Today, would a foundation funded by Ford in his lifetime or in his will carry forward, as a mandate, his pathological, passionate and consuming focus on the Jews? Would the Ford Foundation carry in its charter and bylaws or instructions to pursue his passion by funding institutions like NPR to carry on his work? Could such a policy be exposed through discovery in any class action brought against NPR or the Ford Foundation, if there was cause? Could it be that other foundations have similar attitudes and mandates established by their founders? All of this, of course, is merely speculative, but useful in searching for the root cause of NPR?s unshakable hostility to the Jewish State.

Perhaps the best reason for researching this issue now is the example set by Nazi propaganda minister Goebbels, who co-opted the media of the day to prepare the minds of Germans, and eventually all of Europe, to accept and collaborate in the Nazis? genocide of the Jews. The media was accommodating and persuaded Christian Europe that rounding up and killing the Jews was the right thing to do - so they did what was asked of them. Today, for example, when the mass media falsely accuses the Jews of Israel with massacring ?innocent? Palestinians in Jenin, are they not once again preparing the minds of TV viewers and readers of newspapers for future attacks on Jews as being the right thing to do? Even when the hostile United Nations reluctantly released a report that no massacre occurred, those news giants either refused to publish a retraction or simply ignored their provocative and baseless accusations. Clearly, this is actually a declared war with new rules, using language and word play to promote future killing. The use of hostile propaganda is not merely a passive message of hate, but a known weapon of psychological warfare that has often demonstrated its potential to kill more people (Jews) in Europe than all of the bombs dropped in WWII.

Perhaps a class action lawsuit naming those companies, news anchors, reporters and journalists known for spinning the news would clear the air. If the tobacco companies can be successfully sued for $300 billion or the victims of 9/11 can sue the perpetrators for a trillion dollars, why can?t a class action be undertaken against the media for preparing the ground for what could be another genocide? Let?s find the legal minds who can put together a class action suit against those media giants and financial supporters who use the media as a weapon against the Jewish people.

1. Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate by Neil Baldwin Public Affairs, a member of the Perseus Books Group, New York City 2001


Emanuel A. Winston is a Middle East analyst and commentator.