For Elul: Israel's Most Powerful Weapon
For Elul: Israel's Most Powerful Weapon

Were it not so potentially tragic, the response by leaders of the Jewish State to the ongoing threat of physical annihalation by Iran  would almost humorous.

For years, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a reputed expert on the nuclear  intentions of the Iranian government to wipe out Israel, (whom they view as the little Satan, as well as the United States, "the big Satan" )..continues to request permission  from America to attack this Hitleraian enemy of both nations.

While ignoring the sage Biblical admonition, "If one comes to kill you, you must kill him first",  Netanyahu's  procrastination and foolhardy attempt to influence U.S. President  Obama to strike Iran, has resulted in Ahmadinejad's reported ability  to obtain the dreaded nuclear weapons with which, G-D  forbid, he can fulfill his nefarious plan

By what convoluted thinking does the Prime Minister of the Jewish State believe that the world which by and large stood silently by as six million martyred Jews were murdered in the unspeakable HOLOCAUST, ...will now  come to the defense of Israel

Does he depend on the United States...which did not  grant asylum and turned back to Germany the St.  Louis, a boatload of   pitiful Jewish refugees who managed to escape the Nazi inferno?   

Does he count on the British  who,incarcerated Jews in detention camp after they had   fled the worst  persecution known to   mankind and hoped   they had found a safe haven in the England?

Or does he indeed believe the United Nations, that bastion of morality who regularly condemns Israel while turning a blind eye to the thousands of victims of Arab terrorist attacks ..will suddenly support the Jewish State in its rightful quest to obliterate Iran's potential nuclear threat ?

It's high time Israel's leaders, both left and right..realize and understand that except for our Eternal Ally, G-D, Blessed is He, ...the Jewish people stand alone

With faith and determination Israel must stop trying to influence the world and do what must be done for its own survival

Israel's most powerful weapon against its many enemies is   through "tshuva" and  "shuva", the Jewish return to the Torah's Divine command  to settle all of our  sacred homeland, a mass return by  Diaspora Jewry to Eretz Yisrael, and  the rebuilding of the Third Holy Temple in Jerusalem!