

News and updates about Tabernacles

Sukkot (Tabernacles) Guide for the Perplexed,

A primer for understanding the hoiday that begins Friday night this year and ends a week later.

Sukkot (Tabernacles) Guide for the Perplexed,

Then Tabernacle, Now the Land

Then the Tabernacle, Now the Land (Ki Tisa 2021)

How the campaign for building materials to construct the Tabernacle and Sanctuary translates to today in the Land of Israel.

Then the Tabernacle, Now the Land (Ki Tisa 2021)

Thousands Gather for Biblical Prayer at Tabernacle Site

Thousands of girls and women gather to pray where the Tabernacle once stood.

Thousands Gather for Biblical Prayer at Tabernacle Site

Thousands Visit Ancient Shilo

Site of ancient Tabernacle was declared a national heritage site last year.

Thousands Visit Ancient Shilo

Sukkot: 'The Canopy of Faith': Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Jewish history reads like a vast continuation of the stages of the Israelites’ journey though the desert. Faith was their only home.

Sukkot: 'The Canopy of Faith': Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Torah Lights on Sukkot

Torah Lights on Sukkot