Panic at the safari:
Rhino rams car carrying mother and children
Mafanzi, a new rhino who recently arrived from France, was seemingly startled by the vehicle that stopped to view him.
Mafanzi, a new rhino who recently arrived from France, was seemingly startled by the vehicle that stopped to view him.
Researchers cited ethical concerns and the rhino's advanced age and signs of illness in the decision.
'Rihanna' gives birth to her third baby at Israeli safari.
Yesterday the two females left the veterinary maternity ward at Ramat Gan Safari for open ground after they appeared to feel safe.
One month-old baby rhinoceros and his mother Rihanna join the rest of their herd on the safari.
A year and a half after workers mated her with Etri, the countdown ends with baby rhinoceros Rami's birth.
Tanda the rhino has successfully given birth to a male, her fourth youngster since her arrival in Israel.
A dozing security guard at the Ramat Gan Safari gave three rhinoceroses the opportunity they had apparently long been seeking.