The unhinged reaction to the new Israeli government
The shallowness of progressive Jews is creating a crisis for the Jewish world. Op-ed.
The shallowness of progressive Jews is creating a crisis for the Jewish world. Op-ed.
How can governments maintain that they have seen no hard evidence? What they really mean is that they reject facts provided by Israel.Op-ed.
As enemies of the West ratchet up their aggression, the more determined the Biden administration becomes to appease them.Op-ed.
A neo-pogrom is being facilitated by Western elites who are piously wringing their hands but not taking the action to stop it. Op-ed.
Its legendary military and security derring-do derives from its unique culture of risk-taking, creativity and thinking out of the box. Op-ed
This has become a terrifying looking-glass world where morality has been turned back to front, disloyalty and spite have moral worth. Op-ed.
S. African Rev. Frank Chikane of the WCC’s Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, suggested Israeli Jews were demonic. Op-ed.
The legal and moral illiteracy of the ICC’s ruling is not a blip. It follows from the very core of liberal universalist beliefs. Op-ed.
Israel scarcely needs the absence of a phone call to tell it that it has a grave problem with the new occupant of the White House. Opinion.
A covenant is a commitment going beyond mutual advantage, requiring joint obligations in an unconditional and unbreakable union. Opinion.
The UK success provides an object lesson in strategy for democratic nations facing the Middle East or foreign aggressors' threats. Op-ed.
This oppressive maneuver is supposedly motivated by concern for animal welfare, but exposes the court's lack of consistency or logic.Op-ed.
The contrast is between those who choose life and those who inflict death those who promote love and those who incite hatred. Op-ed.
Boris Johnson reportedly intends to install a new chairman who will challenge BBC leftism, but what about its Israel-bashing? Op-ed.
Democrats, including Jewish ones, call Trump a Nazi, distorting the meaning of Nazism and turning it into an empty political smear. Op-ed.
It is time for a unified resolve to stop Iran's evil. But standing up for that are only the United States, Israel and the Gulf states. Op-ed
Times of London columnist, author, broadcaster, & public speaker analyzes meaning of Modi visit, Trump's Poland speech, and Brexit blowback.