Personal Growth series:
Showing our values
Honoring those performing a mitzvah reminds us of and reinforces our appreciation for the great value of mitzvah observance.
Honoring those performing a mitzvah reminds us of and reinforces our appreciation for the great value of mitzvah observance.
The void in the world—subsequently filled with so much evil—will not be replaced with goodness and holiness until our leaders begin speaking again about God
Our commitment to mitzvot should be comprehensive — we should endeavor to observe all of His commandments.
Naturally, we prefer to be free to make our own decisions and live as we please. Mitzvot call upon us to recognize our dependency upon Hashem and subjugate our will to His.
Mitzvot were a pre-condition of redemption. They were also its implication.
In a parsha with tens of mitzvot between man and his fellow man, three are between man and G-d, but that is not coincidental.
The way to get happy and to remain happy is to totally transform the way we understand happiness.
There is a wise path to take to merit a positive judgment on Rosh Hashanah and lengthen one’s days.
We need G-d’s blessing to continue to ensure that we and our children remain on the right path – and we need His mercy to bring us back from the curse of ongoing alienation from Him.
Israel's first Chief Rabbi asks: Why should such a flimsy structure be a paradigm of protection and safety?
The service in the Beit Hamikdash is the prototype of all the mitzvot.
You might have somebody who has been schooled in the ways of the Torah, but doesn’t want to translate their knowledge into action.
Ramban:’Had not Israel accepted the Torah, the world would have returned to nothingness, BY ITSELF...’.
Why not go for it? Why not engage with Torah?
The Torah puts the verse regarding the commandment of Not Eating Blood next to the commandment of Orlah (Lev.19:23). Why?
One cannot pick and choose mitzvot.
How do we live "through" the mitzvot?
What really happened at Mount Sinai? After all, say skeptics, God doesn't speak to us.
Is this a random selection of mitzvot, or is there a connecting theme?
To be ‘oseh mitzvot’ of course means to fulfil the mitzvot, but from here we learn a very relevant and important lesson for us today.
What do the commentators say about the Torah reprimanding or punishing us for not performing mitzvot joyfully?
Commentators on this mitzva, ‘It follows, that the guard rail is in reality the guardian of the house, that it should remain in his hands!.’
There are mitzvas which, by their nature, no one can plan to do. Perhaps God sends these opportunities to those who look for mitzvot to do.
Young Israeli Torah scholars on the issue of the beautiful female captive, the,eshet yefat toar. A decree from God or a life prescription?
Eikev means a heel and "as a result of" - and the two are connected by God's admonition and promise of love. The views of commentators.