Behind the scenes at the political ambush
Gil Hoffman takes us behind the scenes during and after the event which saw the breakup of the Zionist Union.
Gil Hoffman takes us behind the scenes during and after the event which saw the breakup of the Zionist Union.
'For months, I've been speaking to anyone that wants to be part of a center-left bloc that can defeat Netanyahu.'
Zionist Union points finger at Netanyahu and Liberman as Hamas continues to shower Israel with rockets.
New Opposition Leader Tzipi Livni seeking to politicize civil organizations in an effort to overthrow the current government.
Zionist Union head Avi Gabbay agrees to put Tzipi Livni as opposition head in exchange for agreeing to support Gabbay as candidate for PM.
Despite the Foreign Ministry's boycott against the Swedish foreign minister, MK Livni meets with Margot Wallstrom.
Accusing Im Tirzu of managing the gov't, Zionist Union MKs assert Ministers Regev, Bennet, and Shaked are foreign agents.
Only seven percent of respondents think a woman can deal with the Iranian nuclear threat, says a women’s Zionist poll.
Tzipi Livni, who led Kadima into failure, quit politics and returned to head her own party, is already thinking of quitting again.
The disintegration of Israel's leftist parties continued apace, as Tzipi Livni accused Labor of lying, and Yair Lapid called Livni a crook
Tzippi Livni's comeback is not a game changer.