Bnei Brak:
Child injured while carrying out ancient custom for Shabbat
A boy in Bnei Brak fell while feeding birds in accord with an ancient custom for this week's Torah portion.
A boy in Bnei Brak fell while feeding birds in accord with an ancient custom for this week's Torah portion.
Young,Religious Zionist Torah scholars connect the weekly Torah reading to love of Eretz Yisrael.
Young religious Zionist Torah scholars find connections to the Holy Land in the week's Torah portion.
Religious Zionist Torah scholars find the connections between each Torah portion read on Shabbat and the Land of Israel.
Young religious Zionist Torah scholars find connections between the Torah reading and the Land of Israel.
Formerly the leading Jewish rabbinic spokesman in Australia, Rabbi and Mrs. Apple made aliya upon his retirement. His concise and well-chosen Divrei Torah were featured on Arutz Sheva for many years.
From the Torah Portion Vayishlach to Vayishlach Kislev 1948 - To Vayishlach 2023.
Judaism is all about growing through learning, searching and asking - knowing more, not knowing less! How does that fit with being 'simple'?
Everything about Kriyat Shema seems wildly inconsistent and unrelated, so what is the theme that strings it all together?
Must we immortalize Moses’ greatest detractor by recording his story for posterity and naming a Torah portion after him?
Explaining this Talmudic expression when it comes to women reciting the blessings at the Torah reading.
Vayakhel: Being ready for the day after includes learning the prohibitions mandated on Shabbat.
Torah is an all-encompassing circle in which all laws are equidistant from Hashem, as Parashat Mishpatim shows.
In the Torah portion of Vaeira - Moses notifies Pharaoh that the Jewish people need to leave Egypt for 3 days to serve God.
The blessing over sons in this week's Torah portion is dedicated to Yehuda Dimentman, Hy"d, who will not bless his baby tonight.
Young religiois Zionist Torah scholars:"S’fat Emet writes that every Jew has his own portion of Eretz Yisrael which is rooted in his soul."
Choices all have consequences and later effects that may be unknown to us when we make the choice
This is a Torah portion about the power of words.
What is Yaakov surprised about? Why does the Torah provide so much build up and detail about this dream?
For Am Yisrael to fulfill its destiny, it must be physically within the Land and must keep the mitzvot within the Land.
Torah from Israel's first Cheif Rabbi, iconic leader of Religious Zionism: 'One law of mezuzot is not the same in Israel and the Diaspora.'
Moses prayed 515 times to no avail. But in rejecting Moshe’s prayers, Hashem was enhancing the honor of the collective of Am Yisrael.
The destruction of the 9th of Av was not the end. It was but the beginning of the night, awaiting the new dawn of redemption.
Finding holiness in the ethereal on God’s mountain is easy. Finding it in daily life takes conscious effort.
There are people whose profession is a form of 'cursing'. They are very talented and clever people- whose message is that life is bad.
This is not in our food section because the ingredients are currently unavailable, but how we wish we could achieve the purity it brings!
Divrei Torah for reading in Diaspora (Shlach) and Israel (Korach). Both speak about men who failed to live up to expectations.
Two divrei Torah for the two readings this week, one in the Diaspora and the other in Israel.
Imagine how many lives could have been saved these past months if pikuach nefesh had trumped politics!
'Step into the misty cloud - for only there is G-d found'
A humble heart and a head held high at one and the same time is the demand the Torah places on our leaders - and us.
The elderly venerable man or woman before you is living testimony to the living God of Israel.
Regarding reality around us as an unrelated series of unconnected random events is a post-modern malady of epic proportions.
During the weekly class, hostile elements broke into the broadcast with anti-Semitic content and messages of support for terrorism
Like food which when digested becomes part of a person, when one delves into Torah it becomes part of him and he becomes a better person.
Rabbi Shlomo Sobol on what Torah portions Tazria-Metzora, and 'redundant' language, are trying to teach us about talking with our children.
Recently launched parsha e-list reaches thousands. Check out a sneak-peek of the content, exclusively shared with Arutz Sheva readers!
Recently launched parsha e-list reaches thousands. Check out a sneak-peek of the content, exclusively shared with Arutz Sheva readers!
Recently launched parsha e-list reaches thousands. Check out a sneak-peek of the content, exclusively shared with Arutz Sheva readers!
A new parsha e-list has reached thousands of readers less than a month and a half after its launch. Check out a sneak-peek of the content!
This Thursday, Bet El Institutions is launching an e-newsletter, offering weekly Torah insights in the spirit of the Rav Kook's teachings
Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz of the Shaalavim Yeshiva's commentary on the weekly Torah portion.
Why is the book of Exodus called 'Shemot' - 'Names' - in Hebrew? Rabbi Yitzchak Botton explains the deeper message hidden in the title.
Can man's power of choice alter Divine destiny? Rabbi Yitzchak Botton addresses the controversial issue of free will.
Rabbi Yitzchak Botton explains the significance for daily life of the rivalry between biblical twins Yaakov and Eisav.
Every week at Bar-Ilan University hundreds convene for weekly Torah lessons by Rabbi Haggai Lundin in cooperation with Kollel Organization.
In emotional speech on weekly Torah portion, former MK admits wrongdoing and vows to be better husband in the future.
Join Rabbi Ilan Meirov from "Chazaq" for insights and commentary from "Shemot", this week's Torah portion.