Safe houses are the graves of our failed tolerance.
The only topic on which a European academic needs armed protection today begins with "i" and ends with "m". Op-ed.
The only topic on which a European academic needs armed protection today begins with "i" and ends with "m". Op-ed.
They call them safe houses, but they are the graves of our failed exaggerated tolerance. Op-ed.
Beit Shemesh is an example of what can happen when all communities are respected and appreciated. Op-ed.
the Institute for Freedom of Faith and Security in Europe (IFFSE) hosted a virtual meeting on religious hatred.
Many liberal academics preach that violence is due to our lack of tolerance for the "root causes" of that violence, so anything goes. Op-ed.
US president calls on Americans to learn tolerance from tragedies of the Jewish people, in proclamation for Jewish American Heritage Month.
Atheists and agnostics believe themselves to be more tolerant and open-minded than religious people - but in fact are less so.
'Important goal of our education to raise willingness of children to deal with foreign cultures and to tolerate them.'
Project promoting tolerance and understanding in Israeli society has launched their second group.
Groups of Jews and Muslims around the world are kicking off their annual anti-bigotry season.
One of five youths who terrorized a school bus full of Jewish children in August was punished with learning about Judaism and the Holocaust.
Chief Rabbis, Chief Qadis, and Jewish and Arab MKs meet to discuss Yom Kippur and Eid el-Adha.