The oldest hatred is back
Antisemitism is once again popular in the West.
Antisemitism is once again popular in the West.
The situation helps Israel to explain to the Americans what the real confrontation with Hamas is about.
Mobs have taken over: Stopping traffic and blocking the airport is not reasonable.
Israel has more than enough problems to be kept busy.
Jay Shapiro thinks that the power of the Supreme Court should be reduced.
Israel is an independent nation and only it will decide how its citizens will live. Outside pressures are unacceptable.
Israel's five elections in less than three years is an embarrassment.
The elections in Israel have been decided and now the right must act exactly as the left acted in order to rule.
Surveys of American Jews show unexpected results.
Consumed by news consumption - too much news for the public?
Zionism is the political surprise of the 20th century.
The FBI raid on Trump's home is an excuse for antisemitism.
The world ignores the fact that the Palestinians glorify the killers of Jews and encourage terrorism.
Jewish funding of politics: Do you care about Israel or yourself?
Biden has made the United States dependent on Arab oil and this affects Israel.
A visit by the President of the US to Israel is always welcome, but measures that threaten its sovereignty in Jerusalem are out of question.
The Middle East today is almost totally different than four years ago, and It's good for Israel.
When it comes to Israel, the world has a hard time understanding who is committing cruel terror and who is defending himself.
Different countries are investing a lot of money in the fight against antisemitism, but it is only getting stronger.
The new world crisis: Israel attempts to stay uninvolved.
Jay Shapiro thinks the Israeli government would make a mistake if it took sides in the war and jeopardized strategic ties.
The Middle East is not the Middle West.
Israel is caught in a major international struggle.
The attempts of left-wing organizations to infect Israel with the nickname 'apartheid state' stem from a pure hatred of Jews.
The Israeli Knesset has Arab coalition partners of questionable loyalty.
New diplomatic frontiers: Expansion of the Abraham Accords.
Tricking the world: The Palestinian Authority's official voice literally speaks in two languages.
Hatred of Jews increased in 2021, which should concern all of us and especially world leaders.
Israel is losing the war for public opinion, and should do something to change this.
The Arab nations once said that Israel would never be recognized. That is no longer the case.
Opening a consulate for Palestinians, contrary to Israel's official position, could damage good relations between the two countries.
Israel should prepare for rough times ahead with the United States.
Biden's international failures: The US Administration is retreating from the world scene.
Unreliable allies: The Biden Administration is no longer a supporter of democracies.
The world is allowing Iran to become a nuclear power, and Israel can not be silent.
The US desire to open a consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem challenges the determination that the city is the capital of Israel.
The US pullout from Afghanistan was shameful and it has shown that it cannot be trusted at the moment.
America has shown that it can not be relied upon.
The United States fled Afghanistan and left ruins there. Israel needs to learn the lesson from this event.
BDS organizations and other haters of Israel are attacking the Jewish state. It is time to fight them with all of the Jewish people.
History and Ice cream: The truth behind a boycott of Israel.
Iran is an existential threat to Israel, but the US administration is determined to reach an agreement with it.
Prime Minister Bennett is goal-oriented and has already promoted relations with Jordan.
Although people thought it would fail quickly, the new government is so far succeeding in meeting the challenges it faces.
Israel's confusing government: It's neither left nor right, can it work?
The longest hatred: Anti-Semitic acts have multiplied in western countries.
The terrible tragedy at Meron taught a lesson about unity in Israel.
Ceasefires imposed by foreign powers like the US could hurt Israel.
Jay Shapiro thinks that present events could have been avoided.
The Oldest hate: Anti-Semitism is back in style.
When anti-Semitism rears its ugly head over the world.
The members of the Biden administration dealing with Israel have previously shown antagonism.
The political left favored Israel until the Six Day War, but not anymore.
The unexpected has happened: Peace with four Muslim nations was a dream.
Jay Shapiro argues that Israel should insist on sovereignty in Judea and Samaria even in the face of the Biden administration.
Israel needs to insist that the US administration not return to the previous nuclear deal.
President Joe Biden has already begun talking about his foreign policy but has yet to reveal how he will handle the Israeli-PA issue.
Jay Shapiro talks about the growing hatred of the State of Israel in the British academy that leads to anti-Semitic discourse.
Trump has created a new situation in which Israel is becoming a leading and reclaimed state by the Arabs. Can Biden hurt that?
The traditional left-of-center US Democratic Party has been taken over by socialists which will change the United States.