Translating Torah into Greek
What is so terrible about translating the Torah into Greek?
What is so terrible about translating the Torah into Greek?
The battle continues as we fight to increase light and obliterate the darkness.
Hanukkah - festival of freedom and light.
Wrestling with G-d and confronting bad neighbors.
Yaakov: Many wives, many children, one father-in-law, many troubles.
Rivalry and intrigue fill the house of Yitzchak and Rivkah, as their twin sons Yaakov and Esau vie for their father's blessing.
Love and death in Chayei Sara.
Avraham declares the place of the Holy Temple.
Walking with HaShem into the unknown: Who is Avram and why does G-d choose him?
G-d's first two questions of man: From before the beginning to the end of mankind (almost).
The irrepressible commandment to be happy on Sukkot: Eating and drinking at the Table of Hashem.
The ever intense holiday filled month of Tishrei is more intense than ever as Israel enters into its second year at war with her sworn enemies.
Making the right choice - choosing life.
Archaeological Facts that Tell an Ancient-Modern Story
Elul, a month of building our future.
We are the children of Hashem our G-d.
More anti-Israel savagery, more Western indifference.
Achieving Purity through the Ashes of the Red Heifer
Moshe fights fire with the fire of incense.
The sin of the spies and the deadly plunge into negativity!
Silver Trumpets Fashioned to Inspire!
Bringing our firstfruits to Hashem.
Preparing to enter the land of Canaan.
The day the Manna fell to earth.
Making our days count.
Sefirat HaOmer: Counting up to Sinai.
Parashat Metzora is one of the most difficult sections of Torah for us moderns to wrap our minds around, and Passover.
Nisan has arrived and Passover is around the corner.
Nadav and Avihu, swept away by the spiritual power of the moment.
Making room in the world for Hashem: The importance of simcha - true joy and happiness.
Remember Amalek: Then and today.
The Half-Shekel offering - our share in the Holy Temple.
The Half-Shekel offering - our share in the Holy Temple.
Opening our hearts and fulfilling Hashem's wish.
Amalek - Israel's first and final enemy.
The gift of teshuvah - Genesis: A book of fraternal feuds.
3 days in Tevet: The 8th, 9th and 10th of Tevet are all days of mourning for Israel.
Brotherly love comes natural for Israel.
The alleged guardians of higher education have descended into the depravity of justifying any horror committed to an Israeli or Jew.
The ancient war crime - how should we respond?
The long journey home of the Ethiopian Jews.
"Will the judge of the entire Earth not perform justice?"
When loving kindness means fighting for it!
Wiping the earth clean of depravity.
People, get ready for Yom Kippur.
We are here because G-d needs us.
The day is short and there is much to do.
Wake up, get up, stand before HaShem.
The search for righteous judges.
Rejoicing before HaShem, our G-d.
The mysterious but beloved holiday of Tu B'Av!
Our job is to take Hashem's blessings and build for Him a house.
A timely recap of the sin of the spies.
From mourning to rebuilding: The changing face of Bein HaMeitzarim.
Bilaam, a real prophet with a sordid past.
Tammuz: Tough start to a tough month striking when words are needed.
Jealousy hunger for power drive sane men mad.
Calev and Yehoshua - the two who saw the good - and stood their ground.
On the road with HaShem.
Celebrating 56 years since the liberation and reunification of the holy city of Jerusalem - Israel's eternal capital.