Jewish Agency launches:
New digital toolkit on Ethiopian Jewish holiday
'Sigd-in-a-Box' brings to life a holiday that centers on accepting the Torah and yearning for Israel and Jerusalem.
'Sigd-in-a-Box' brings to life a holiday that centers on accepting the Torah and yearning for Israel and Jerusalem.
Where did Sigd come from? And why should the rest of the Jewish world be aware of the observance and find relevance in it? Op-ed.
Celebrating the Sigd festival, Pres. Herzog says, 'The Jews of Ethiopia did not wait around, but got up and took the initiative.'
Belaynesh Zevadia remebers the holiday in Ethiopia: 'We went up the hill & prayed 'Next year in Jerusalem.' Now we're celebrating in Israel'
Fasting, prayer, love of Zion and festivities: how Ethiopia's Beta Israel Jews enriched Israeli Jewish life with a unique, ancient festival.
'Citizens of Israel will not be party to discrimination on the basis of skin color. We are brothers and sisters.'
Fifty days after Yom Kippur, Ethiopian Jewish community in Israel celebrates traditional holiday called Sigd commemorating Temple Mount.
Rivlin joins thousands of Ethiopian Jews in traditional holiday celebrating return to Israel, overlooking the Temple Mount.
Fasting, prayer, love of Zion and festivities: how Ethiopia's Beta Israel Jews enriched Israeli Jewish life with a unique, ancient festival.
Every year more celebrate Sigd, a day of praying for redemption and an in-gathering of the exiles that dates back to Ezra and Nehemiah.
Rabbi Yosef Hadane, the Chief Rabbi of the Ethiopian Jewish community speaks about the holiday of Sigd after the ceremony in Jerusalem.
Youth from Bnei Akiva’s HaShachar Project visit the pedestrian mall in Jerusalem and celebrate the Sigd holiday.
Avraham Negosa, a leader of Ethiopian Jewry in Israel: It's hard for Ethiopians to adapt to life in Israel. They should be embraced.
Bnei Akiva's Ethiopian youth will hit Jerusalem's pedestrian mall and celebrate the traditional Sigd holiday with passersby.
'Nothing proves Jewish eternity like Ethiopian Jewry,' says Rabbi Druckman as Ethiopian Jews celebrate Sigd holiday. INN was there.
Sigd celebrations kick off in residence of President Shimon Peres.