Something very wrong from the top on down
If heads of universities cannot answer a simple, moral and ethical question about attempted genocide then we have muchl to worry about.Op-ed
If heads of universities cannot answer a simple, moral and ethical question about attempted genocide then we have muchl to worry about.Op-ed
We must wake up and understand that the evil intentions of our enemies are much more lethal to our existence than anything dividing us.Op-ed
a number of factors have led world leaders to the conclusion that America no longer has the will to fight to defend its own interests.Op-ed
The Russians and ttheir Chinese “frenemies,” see the US retreat from the region as an opportunity to flex their muscles. Op-ed.
Selective ethics regarding Saudi Arabia as opposed to Iran, Syria and Lebanon can be traced to the makeup of Biden's administration.Op-ed.
I claim no expertise on systemic racism, but systemic anti-Semitism most certainly exists throughout the US on university campuses. Op-ed.