The Daily Portion / A conversation in Sacher Park
One of the women said she would not forget this conversation for the rest of her life. In truth, I won't forget it either.
One of the women said she would not forget this conversation for the rest of her life. In truth, I won't forget it either.
Mayor Moshe Leon and the Jerusalem municipality have made great changes to Sacher Park, upgrading the infrastructure.
Street blocked by hundreds of protesters demanding end to terror, police refuse march, arrest 5 protesters claiming clashes.
Jerusalem March, featuring 60,000 visitors from 35 countries, will mark its 60th year on Thursday.
Hareidi pundits angry at focus on yeshiva students' barbecue next to Holocaust memorial - soccer match next to them went unreported.
A Holocaust Memorial Day “libel” against hareidi Jews, in which they were accused of holding a Yom Hasho'a barbecue, was indeed just a libel