Ron Paul tweets racist, anti-Semitic cartoon
Former Texas congressman and presidential hopeful Ron Paul posts, then deletes, picture featuring anti-Semitic caricature.
Former Texas congressman and presidential hopeful Ron Paul posts, then deletes, picture featuring anti-Semitic caricature.
Ron Paul, father of candidate Rand Paul, calls sanctions on Iran 'act of war,' says nuclear program of Islamic regime shouldn't be limited.
Rep. Ron Paul: "U.S. foreign policy being so one-sided actually results in more loss of life and of security on both sides."
Jewish Democrats slammed Republicans for planning a tribute to Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) at the GOP national convention.
Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul has announced he is cutting spending and preparing to wind down his campaign.
Texas Republican Ron Paul, known for wanting to cut aid to Israel and other nations, says Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
Rick Santorum wins Kansas caucuses with 51 percent of the vote, but top rival Mitt Romney maintains his lead.
Super Tuesday presents Republican hopefuls with chances to win, but Romney and Santorum appear to be the big winners.
GOP presidential contender Ron Paul fiercely denies a report that he is anti-Israel, claiming instead he is the "most pro-Israel."
A former senior aide to GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul claims Ron Paul "wishes the Israeli state did not exist at all."
GOP candidate New Gingrich has failed to gather enough signatures to run in the presidential primary in his adopted home state of Virginia.