All children rescued from flooded Thailand cave
All 12 children and their soccer coach successfully extracted from flooded cave after daring 3-day rescue mission.
All 12 children and their soccer coach successfully extracted from flooded cave after daring 3-day rescue mission.
8 of 12 children trapped in flooded cave in Thailand rescued. 4 more children and their soccer coach remain in cave.
Chance encounter at checkpoint leads to rescue of woman and her children from violent abuse and threats on her life in Arab town.
El-Al flight includes 15 infants; two premature babies evacuated to hospital. Netanyahu: we will continue to search for the missing.
Israel works with Nepal to rescue stranded hikers, who have reportedly faced violence from locals; 216 due to return Tuesday at noon.
Two teens fall into 15-meter pit, are rescued and airlifted to hospital.
Major: This lesson could be relevant ‘tomorrow morning.’
American armed forces recently joined the IDF for a joint emergency rescue drill to teach soldiers how to save lives.
Deputy-commander Danny Yatom recalls famous rescue of hijacked plane. Then-soldiers Barak and Netanyahu played key roles.