

News and updates about Religions

The Divine Spark in other religions

A rung above idolatrous religions are Christianity and Islam, which are closer to the light of God. They, too, have a major deficiency, in that they do not recognize the role of Israel in revealing God’s Word to the world, and instead claim to replace it.

The Divine Spark in other religions

Benjamin Franklin’s contribution to Jewish practice

The American founding father, who born on January 17, 1706, has had a lasting impact on Judaism. Op-ed.

Benjamin Franklin’s contribution to Jewish practice

When Buddha met Abraham

For the first time, leaders of eastern religions will meet with religious leaders in Israel to discuss common issues.

When Buddha met Abraham

Torah Sociology: Rav Soloveitchik & Religious Comeback

Torah Sociology: Rav Soloveitchik & Religious Comeback

Holy Site Desecration Traced to Philistine Era

PA Arabs are not the first to desecrate holy sites. Archaeologists discover Philistines may have done the same 3,100 years ago.

Holy Site Desecration Traced to Philistine Era

Sandy Brings Out Fundamentalists: Blame Gays and Obama

Some fundamentalists blame gays and Obama for Sandy. Psalms has the last word: The L-rd rules…greater than the roar of the ocean.”

Sandy Brings Out Fundamentalists: Blame Gays and Obama

Democrats Eliminate 'G-d' from Platform

The Democrats’ election platform, which in 2008 spoke of people’s “G-d given potential,” drops any mention of Him in the 2012 version.

Democrats Eliminate 'G-d' from Platform

Swiss Hospital Lifts Ban on Circumcision

A Swiss hospital said it is lifting the ban on circumcision that had been imposed following a controversial ruling by a German court.

Swiss Hospital Lifts Ban on Circumcision