Rafael Castro

News and updates about Rafael Castro

Operation Mehmed the Conqueror

Operation Mehmed the Conqueror

Israel's closing window to act decisively against the Ayatollahs

Israel must act now! It cannot wait for Trump to do the job because he may not want to. Delaying action will place Israel in a precarious position, constrained by shifting American foreign policy priorities. Opinion.

Israel's closing window to act decisively against the Ayatollahs

A non-Jewish perspective on 'People Love Dead Jews'

Jewish power presents a theological and ideological dilemma for many Westerners. Opinion.

A non-Jewish perspective on 'People Love Dead Jews'

In defense of fellow gentiles

Many misguided Jews have helped legitimize and fuel gentile envy and resentment, which can have tragic consequences for millions of Jews. You need only look at "Bougie" Ya'alon, let along Jewish American progressives. Opinion.

In defense of fellow gentiles

When will antisemitism end?

Understanding antisemitism reveals a profound truth: antisemitism is not inherently tied to Jews, Judaism, or the Jewish State. Opinion.

When will antisemitism end?

An empirical approach to fighting antisemitism in the media

Do different editorial biases lead to increased levels of viewer antisemitism? An empirical study would find out. Opinion.

An empirical approach to fighting antisemitism in the media

Why are American Jews Liberal? A Eudaimonic Perspective

A liberal worldview frames antisemitism as a temporary byproduct of ignorance and social injustice, a much more comforting way to look at this illogical and primeval hatred. Op-ed.

Why are American Jews Liberal? A Eudaimonic Perspective

Reflections on Jewish wars

Israel has no choice but to win the war and crush its enemies. In order to do these things, it needs to define and clearly communicate its goals. Opinion.

Reflections on Jewish wars

Are Jews smart and brave enough to save the world?

The best Israel can expect from the Muslim world is to be respected because it is wealthy, powerful, and fearsome. Anything else is the pipe dream of people who learned nonsense at workshops and conferences sponsored by European donors and the New Israel Fund. Opinion.

Are Jews smart and brave enough to save the world?

What Jews need to understand about Gentiles

When one understands the real and corporal nature of evil in Christianity and Islam, one also understands the power and pervasiveness of antisemitism. Opinion.

What Jews need to understand about Gentiles

When will you stop turning the other cheek?

The minorities you US Jews mobilized for, are showing how deeply they resented your help. They see you as part of America’s elites anyway, so be loyal to the values that allowed you to flourish in the Goldene Medina: fairplay, individualism, and meritocracy. Op-ed.

When will you stop turning the other cheek?

Quo Vadis, Israel?

The Jewish State is at a crossroads for its survival: Either it is ruthless enough to crush the Ayatollahs before it’s too late or the future seems bleak. Op-ed.

Quo Vadis, Israel?

Is CNN now part of Pallywood?

While civilian casualties in Gaza are low, reports from Hamas lack veraccity. I couldn't shake off suspicions about the authenticity of an impeccably presented CNN report of a civilian killed there. Op-ed.

Is CNN now part of Pallywood?

An alternative to a Pyrrhic victory in Gaza

There are compelling reasons for the Jewish state to embrace this plan as it aligns with long-term strategic objectives and offers a sustainable approach to addressing the challenges of the Gaza Strip. Op-ed.

An alternative to a Pyrrhic victory in Gaza

A non-Jew's reflections on antisemitism in America

The genie of antisemitism in America has left the bottle, and has infected mainstream journalism, academia, and culture. There is only one thing that may work. Opinion.

A non-Jew's reflections on antisemitism in America

What the Porajmos teaches the Jewish people

Baptism and devotion provided no refuge for Roma and Sinti from the racial hatred and cruelty of fellow Christians. Opinion.

What the Porajmos teaches the Jewish people

Progressive Leftists are the New Nazis

Jews and Judaism are antithetical to all pillars of contemporary progressive leftism and therefore hated people who should be destroyed. Opinion.

Progressive Leftists are the New Nazis

Israel's fifth column

Israel is ignoring the tremendous toll of homegrown pro-enemy propaganda on Israel’s diplomatic and military position abroad and at home. Why is this allowed during a war? Op-ed.

Israel's fifth column

The fearless operation needed to thwart a Shoah

Israel must use the window of opportunity that has opened after Islamists on October 7th proved their genocidal designs and before Islamists secure nuclear weapons and close this window, to act swiftly and decisively to save millions of lives. Op-ed.

The fearless operation needed to thwart a Shoah

Epiphanies on Islamic Ethics

Muslim societies do not just breed violence and poverty, but also a dogmatic sense of superiority grounded on nothing but wishful thinking. However, some Islamic virtues should set Israelis thinking. Op-ed.

Epiphanies on Islamic Ethics

Hasbara needs a new hashkafa

Most Jews think the most valuable hasbara educates people, winning them over with facts and rational arguments. That is incorrect. Op-ed.

Hasbara needs a new hashkafa

Progressive Jews are not alone in feeling betrayed

Why are progressive Jews upset when the sloppy logic condoning violence in America is used to legitimize violence against Israelis? Op-ed.

Progressive Jews are not alone in feeling betrayed

A psychopathology of Israel-haters

Observe how the Muslim masses mobilized more against Israel in America and Western Europe than in many Muslim countries.Opinion.

A psychopathology of Israel-haters

Open letter to "Tikkun Olam" Jews

The reactions of BLM, Greta, the Squad, progressive academia et al show progressive Jews kumbaya universalism is morally bankrupt. Op-ed.

Open letter to "Tikkun Olam" Jews

Until now Israel has spoken Hebrew; it now needs to speak Arabic

In this part of the world, it is not Tevya the milkman's gentle humor that wins the day, but the violence of Saladin the Great. Op-ed

Until now Israel has spoken Hebrew; it now needs to speak Arabic

The Huwara Incident: A reflection

The government's reaction to the terrorist murders of the Yaniv brothers and the reprisal by Israelis showed Israel as a paper tiger. Op-ed.

The Huwara Incident: A reflection

Israel's alliance with Azerbaijan: Balancing benefits and risks

From a security, geostrategic and economic perspective the Israeli-Azerbaijani alliance is very important, but there are problems. Op-ed.

Israel's alliance with Azerbaijan: Balancing benefits and risks

The woke revolution unmasked

History will remember wokeness as the final and most grotesque manifestation of leftist hatred for Western civilization. Op-ed.

The woke revolution unmasked


Words of caution from a European friend

With hindsight it is clear that rightist European professions of love for Zionism and the Jewish people were always a sham, Op-ed.

Words of caution from a European friend

Should an effort be made to better Polish-Israel relations?

Poland has to face its dark actions durng the Holocaust, but Israel must remember that this was not government policy, but individual.Op-ed

Should an effort be made to better Polish-Israel relations?


What Artificial Intelligence reveals about Western stupidity

ChatGPT says that Mohammed was a champion of religious freedom. There is no semblance of scholarship regarding the Islamic world. Op-ed.

What Artificial Intelligence reveals about Western stupidity

A Solomonic solution to the judicial reform crisis

The judicial reform is a matter of sufficient political, institutional and historical weight to justify a plebiscite. Op-ed.

A Solomonic solution to the judicial reform crisis


Are Jews the smartest people in the world?

Generalizing about Jewish behavior, the writer criticizes Jewish speech and our generalizing about Arabs. But he has a point. Op-ed .

Are Jews the smartest people in the world?

Why the Israeli left will embrace Judaism

The Israeli left has two choices: It can move or it can advance a vision of Jewishness able to re-enchant leftist Israelis. Op-ed

Why the Israeli left will embrace Judaism


A sober assessment of Israel's geo-political constraints

The new government will enact its domestic changes. Re sovereignty, it has more constraints and may change facts on the ground first.Op-ed.

A sober assessment of Israel's geo-political constraints

The difference between leftist and rightist antisemitism

Jews should be more concerned about leftist antisemitism than rightist antisemitism. The two are not the same. Op-ed.

The difference between leftist and rightist antisemitism

The pen is mightier than the sword

Translating literature about Israel and Judaism into Arabic could serve far more than just Israeli PR efforts.Op-ed.

The pen is mightier than the sword

The future of Russian-Israeli Relations

Why Israel must preserve its neutrality between Russia and Ukraine at all costs. Op-ed.

The future of Russian-Israeli Relations

Reflections on the Jewish Soul

By placing a mirror in front of my Jewish brothers and sisters, I, a Noahide, can help show how the world sees them.Op-ed.

Reflections on the Jewish Soul


Reflections on the Arab soul

Sating the Arab thirst for respect must necessarily preclude any acceptance of terror, corruption and fraud. Op-ed.

Reflections on the Arab soul

When the world demonizes Israel

The world does not resent Israel for being immoral, but for being more moral than any other nation would be in Israel’s shoes. Op-ed.

When the world demonizes Israel

Few of us non-Jews really “get” what Jewishness is about

Philo-Semitism and its discontents. Some say it is reverse antisemitism, and they may have a point. Opinon.

Few of us non-Jews really “get” what Jewishness is about

Rebuttal to a liberal Jewish American friend

Criticiism of Israel? Any other people, facing circumstances like those of Israel, would gleefully massacre its enemies. Op-ed.

Rebuttal to a liberal Jewish American friend

Celebrating Shabbat in Armenia

No Jew fears walking the streets with a kippah and Christians played an active role in providing a community center and synagogue. Op-ed.

Celebrating Shabbat in Armenia


Reflections on Jews and money

Jews have historically had far better reasons to value money than most non-Jews, but those who have money are great philanthropists. Op-ed

Reflections on Jews and money

Pitfalls of Jewish-Muslim dialogue

Islamic antisemitism reached Christian proportions when Zionism proved Jews were better than Muslims at fighting and ruling. Op-ed.

Pitfalls of Jewish-Muslim dialogue

We haven't humiliated Russia enough

The country that needs denazification is not Ukraine, but Russia. Op-ed.

We haven't humiliated Russia enough

Political correctness and halakha

Being politically correct in its non-coercive aspects is very close to halakhic requirements for speech. Op-ed.

Political correctness and halakha

A rational redefinition of racism

Since racism is morally opprobrious, it is urgent to define racism in a way that does not include reasonable, rational actions. Op-ed.

 A rational redefinition of racism

A conservative marketplace-the response to corporate wokeness

America’s corporations lavish funds on organizations promoting CRT, identity politics and woke censorship that will destroy her. Op-ed;

A conservative marketplace-the response to corporate wokeness

Hasbara and its discontents

Israel's hasbara, allthough well meant, falls far below the level of the psychologically savvy content of Palestinian Arab sites. Opinion.

Hasbara and its discontents

Difference is the genesis of bigotry

The more homogeneous a society is, the less likely its citizens are to welcome foreigners..Op-ed.

Difference is the genesis of bigotry

The case for engaging with anti-Semitic ideas

The conventional approach of Jewish organizations to tackling antisemitism has created a counter-cultural movement.Op-ed

The case for engaging with anti-Semitic ideas

Is anti-Zionism necessarily anti-Semitic?

That question can be answered by anti-Zionists after they complete the questionnaire in the article below. Op-ed.

Is anti-Zionism necessarily anti-Semitic?

Gentiles, Jews and good manners

Shouting and shoving is no evidence of bad morals and lack of scruples, nor are good manners evidence of ethical behavior. Still...Op-ed.

Gentiles, Jews and good manners

Progressive politicians and Afghan refugees

Germany inviting Afghan refugees spells disaster for Europe. Op-ed.

Progressive politicians and Afghan refugees

Open letter to Pope Bergoglio

You gave the rabbis in Italy your word that you would not denigrate “Pharisees” in your sermons but you are doiing it again. Op-ed.

Open letter to Pope Bergoglio

Opening my eyes to Racism

The Racism of Low Expectations leads white progressives to laud a book that is pure drivel, only because it was written by a Black. Op-ed.

Opening my eyes to Racism

Critical Race Theory and its discontents

In CRT, a Jew who arrived penniless in America after the Holocaust is just as responsible for black slavery as plantation owners. Op-ed.

Critical Race Theory and its discontents

Reflections on Racism

The world is not racially stratified because whites plundered and enslaved other races, as our schools and media repeatedly suggest. Op-ed.

Reflections on Racism