Faith and belief in the Jewish People
A lesson from Moshe's lapse.
A lesson from Moshe's lapse.
We specifically bless our children to be like Ephraim and Menashe and we bless them with the words of Hamalach Hagoel Oti, that they too be like fish.
“Hashem Yisbarach always loves me and everything will always only be good for me… more good and even more good.”
Like the Hashmoneans, we have to stand steadfast against the ideology of Yavan as seen in the UN, ICC and academia. With courage, conviction and Jewish pride, we must expose the darkness for what it is.
Loving each child unconditionally is a basic tenet of parenthood.
The rainbow is a symbol of love and unity. Just as the diversity of colour is what gives the rainbow its beauty, so it is with our diversity as a people.
As Jews, we don't commemorate events based on the date in the secular calendar. Birthdays and Yartzheits, significant events and Festivals, both joyous and sad, are observed according to the Jewish date.
When the Torah forbids our "cursing the leader of the nation" it does not mean they are perfect. it means that we have to let the government function even if we disagree with it.
Parshas Re’eh is the Shabbos that blesses the month of Elul. The sublime revelation of the Yomim Noraim is like being in the presence of Hashem in the Beis Hamikdash.
Menashe did not ask to settle on the eastern bank, why were they included in those who settled there? And why only half the tribe?
Pinchas understood that fighting to eradicate evil is the only path to real and lasting peace and security.
Celebrating the rescue of our hostages showed the wondrous unity of our people proclaiming the Oneness of Hashem who we thanked.
Rashbi tells us that the hatred of Esav to Yaakov is a Halakha, so don't try to figure out why, don't try to appease, just be a proud Jew.
Responding to our enemies and 'world opinion' - a timely insight from the parasha.
Lessons from Parshas Lech Lecha in how to respond to the Hamas massacre of our people.