
Rabbi Shlomo Katz

News and updates about Rabbi Shlomo Katz

In memory of Reb Carlebach

Rabbi Shlomo Katz: 'Open your heart, go to the deepest depths'

'Today, if we're not going to open our hearts and go to the deepest depths, we're missing the point,' says Rabbi Shlomo Katz on Reb Shlomo Carlebach's music and spirituality.

Rabbi Shlomo Katz: 'Open your heart, go to the deepest depths'

Singing at construction site:

Moshav Band singer 'tests' out new synagogue's acoustics

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz takes Moshav Band's Yehuda Solomon on a tour of the new Efrat synagogue, Shirat David.

Moshav Band singer 'tests' out new synagogue's acoustics

Watch: Powerful and uplifting song by Rabbi Shlomo Katz

With some of his closest friends, Rabbi Shlomo Katz recorded a new album. 'It was live, it was raw, and it was powerful.'

Watch: Powerful and uplifting song by Rabbi Shlomo Katz

Howling animals - new song by Shlomo Katz featuring Nissim Black

Katz presents new song based on the words of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Watch.

Howling animals - new song by Shlomo Katz featuring Nissim Black

Rabbi Shlomo Katz to CNN: 'I cannot process this tragedy'

Rabbi Shlomo Katz recounts the horrendous feeling of seeing family members searching for remains of their children, brothers and sisters.

Rabbi Shlomo Katz to CNN: 'I cannot process this tragedy'

Chassidic Tales: When the Chernobler sings for Eliyahu Hanavi

Reb Mottele was sitting on his porch singing 'Eliyahu Hanavi' and the way his chassid heard it, it was as if Moshiach had already come.

Chassidic Tales: When the Chernobler sings for Eliyahu Hanavi

When the Bobover Found the Torn Page from Sanhedrin

The story of when the Bobover Rebbe found a torn page from the Talmud in a general's office during World War II.

When the Bobover Found the Torn Page from Sanhedrin

Chassidic Tales with Rav Shlomo Katz: Are We Still Beautiful?

Watch as Rav Shlomo Katz shares inspiring story of when Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev summoned the whole city to receive blessings .

Chassidic Tales with Rav Shlomo Katz: Are We Still Beautiful?

Chassidic Tales: A Berdichever First Impression

Rav Shlomo Katz tells the story of when Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev became the Rav of the well established community in Berditchev.

Chassidic Tales: A Berdichever First Impression

Daily Chassidic Tale:

The spit into R' Levi Yitzchak's face

The powerful story of the time when Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev was walking down the street and a masnagid walking by spat in his face!

The spit into R' Levi Yitzchak's face

Daily Chassidic Tale:

Rav Yosef Karo's Fast

Watch Rav Shlomo Katz as he explains how Rav Yosef Karo fasted for a few days to gain understanding on the difficult Rambam he was learning.

Rav Yosef Karo's Fast

Daily Hasidic Tale

Chassidic Tales with Rav Shlomo Katz: A Ba'al Shem Tov Warning

Watch: The daily Chassidic Tale presented by Rabbi Shlomo Katz

Chassidic Tales with Rav Shlomo Katz: A Ba'al Shem Tov Warning

Hasidic tales: A Ba'al Shem Tov dart to the heart

Rabbi Shlomo Katz tells of what happened between the Ba'al Shem Tov & a group of philosophers whilst debating the authenticity of the Torah.

Hasidic tales: A Ba'al Shem Tov dart to the heart

Daily Chassidic Tale

An Apter - Riminover Pre Shluff Conversation

Watch: The daily Chassidic Tale presented by Rabbi Shlomo Katz.

An Apter - Riminover Pre Shluff Conversation

Daily Chassidic Tale

The Apter Rebbe's uncontrollable crying

Watch: The daily Chassidic Tale presented by Rabbi Shlomo Katz.

The Apter Rebbe's uncontrollable crying

Rabbi Shlomo Katz and Friends sing and talk

Watch as Rabbi Shlomo Katz and friends sing "VeHakohanim" and talk about Rabbi Avraham Kook OBM

Rabbi Shlomo Katz and Friends sing and talk

American Jewry - How do I know I love you?

How do you know you really love someone? When you stop caring what they think of you. The love is stronger than fear of what they may think.

American Jewry - How do I know I love you?

Rosh Chodesh Elul: Be Here Now

How do we enter the awesomeness of this auspicious month of Elul? Insights from Rabbi Shlomo Katz.

Rosh Chodesh Elul: Be Here Now

Whose pain are you feeling?

Rabbi Shlomo Katz talks about what Tisha B'Av really is - and the pain we should be feeling.

Whose pain are you feeling?

The daily Sefira insight - Day #49

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #49

The daily Sefira insight - Day #43

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #43

The daily Sefira insight - Day #42

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #42

The daily Sefira insight - Day #38

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #38

The daily Sefira insight - Day 33

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day 33

The daily Sefira insight - Day #29

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #29

The daily Sefira insight - Day 27

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day 27

The daily Sefira insight - Day #23

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #23

The daily Sefira insight - Day #22

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #22

The daily Sefira insight - Day #20

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #20

Emotional musical Independence Day prayers in Jerusalem

Thousands open Independence Day with OU Israel in Yerushalayim: 'Incredible to Celebrate with thousands of Jews in Jerusalem.'

Emotional musical Independence Day prayers in Jerusalem

The daily Sefira insight - Day #18

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #18

The daily Sefira insight - Day #17

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #17

The daily Sefira insight - Day #16

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #16

The daily Sefira insight - Day #15

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #15

The daily Sefira insight - Day #13

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #13

The daily Sefira insight - Day #11

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer.

The daily Sefira insight - Day #11

The daily Sefira insight - Day #10

Educator and musician Rabbi Shlomo Katz presents a daily glimpse into the ideas and insights behind the counting of the Omer

The daily Sefira insight - Day #10


Women's prayer on Mount of Olives

Thursday, April 4th women and girls will gather to pray on Mount of Olives with leaders and rabbis to beseech Creator for redemption.

Women's prayer on Mount of Olives

Ari Fuld: Legacy of truth

Shlomo Katz discusses how the tragic murder of the hero Ari Fuld can help us understand the difference between life and death.

Ari Fuld: Legacy of truth

Redemption of tears

How is it possible to authentically internalize the pain and grief of this dark day in Jewish history?

Redemption of tears

The 42 stop journey: The first Aliyah to Israel in history

Rabbi Shlomo Katz takes us on the 42 stop journey from Egypt to the Holy Land and shares the difference between journeying and walking.

The 42 stop journey: The first Aliyah to Israel in history

No crime goes unrewarded

Rabbi Shlomo Katz shares an idea that may seem irrational and counterintuitive, but is one of the deepest truths in the world.

No crime goes unrewarded

Does God ever laugh?

Rabbi Shlomo Katz shares an empowering Torah that could change the way we judge failure and success.

Does God ever laugh?

How Rabbi Akiva changed the world

When do we know a sign is from above? Is there a time to heed signs or could the challenge possibly be to ignore them?

How Rabbi Akiva changed the world

The showbread miracle – the secret to financial spiritual health

Reveal the depth and beauty behind the miracles in the Beit Hamikdash and the lessons we should remember even today.

The showbread miracle – the secret to financial spiritual health

The Final Count Up

How to make the most of every moment and make each day count.

The Final Count Up

Leap over mountains this Passover

The Seder night will be completely different for you, if you listen to the critical pre-Seder insights of Rabbi Shlomo Katz.

Leap over mountains this Passover

How can you change your Purim experience forever?

Rabbi Shlomo Katz explains that Purim is the time to ask for everything.

How can you change your Purim experience forever?

Don't worry, it's the right time to be happy

How to touch the soul by touching on one of the deepest secrets in the human condition.

Don't worry, it's the right time to be happy

How to achieve 'crown knowledge'

What is the Jewish secret revealed to the world before the giving of the Torah?

How to achieve 'crown knowledge'

The secret of speech – less is more

Listen to one of the secrets of human communication expressed, according to the sages, in the giving of the Torah at Sinai.

The secret of speech – less is more

Is connecting people really as hard as parting the Red Sea?

Rabbi Shlomo Katz shares a beautiful and insightful thought about the extreme faith required to live a life of marital harmony.

Is connecting people really as hard as parting the Red Sea?

How to understand the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of the requests that Jacob asked of his sons before his death? How does this relate to us - here and now?

How to understand the meaning of life?

Reb Shlomo's Pearls for Ki Tavo

Reb Shlomo's Pearls for Ki Tavo

Reb Shlomo's Pearls for Shabbat Ki Tetsei

Reb Shlomo's Pearls for Shabbat Ki Tetsei

Reb Shlomo's Pearls on Shoftim

Reb Shlomo's Pearls on Shoftim

Reb Shlomo's Pearls on Re'eh

Reb Shlomo's Pearls on Re'eh

Reb Shlomo's Pearls on Dvarim

Reb Shlomo's Pearls on Dvarim

Reb Shlomo's Pearls on Matot

Reb Shlomo's Pearls on Matot

Reb Shlomo's Pearls for Pinchas

Reb Shlomo's Pearls for Pinchas