The Parsha and Current Events: Shalom Chaver
Rav Sholom and I had to find spiritual and ideological ways to Eretz Yisrael against the tides flowing away from the miracles of our times.
Rav Sholom and I had to find spiritual and ideological ways to Eretz Yisrael against the tides flowing away from the miracles of our times.
In response to an magazine article entitled "Why are Serious Jews Like Us Living in America?" Rabbi Sholom Gold wrote the following essay.
Follow the funeral of a great Torah scholar and vocal supporter of Aliyah to Israel.
Leading rabbi, Torah lecturer and speaker Rabbi Dr. Shalom Gold, passed away on Shabbat.
From Zion the Torah will go forth.
New insights into the book we read every year.Do you know that in the Four Questions "Ma" does not signal a question, but an exclamation?
'60 million refugees in world today. For 1,900 years we were THE refugees of world; now there isn't single Jewish refugee in whole world.'
Author and Educator Rabbi Shalom Gold makes clear that there will be no more relinquishing land to Israel's enemies.
Educator and author Rabbi Shalom Gold encourages participants in Tisha B'Av march to fight for the Temple Mount.
Participants at the Jerusalem Conference for English speakers have a message to Jews in the Diaspora: Come to Israel!
Rabbi Shalom Gold at the support rally for Rabbis Dov Lior and Yaakov Yosef: "The real honor that was diminished was that of the police."