
Rabbi Dr. Darrell Ginsberg

News and updates about Rabbi Dr. Darrell Ginsberg

A not quite national census

A not quite national census

The dawning of a new covenant

The dawning of a new covenant

Parashat Hachodesh and Tazria: The final act of destruction

Parashat Hachodesh and Tazria: The final act of destruction

The moment it came to an end

The moment it came to an end

Moses' pivotal blessing

Moses' pivotal blessing

Why do we need an Oracle?

Why do we need an Oracle?

The placement of the table and the menorah: Reflections of humanity

The placement of the table and the menorah: Reflections of humanity

Taking the plunge

Taking the plunge

Skin deep - who needed a plague of boils?

Skin deep - who needed a plague of boils?

Joseph: Lessons in leadership

Joseph: Lessons in leadership

Vayetze: The truth about Lavan

Vayetze: The truth about Lavan

Eliezer's moment as patriarch

Eliezer's moment as patriarch

Departing words

Departing words

Viduy: Lost in translation

Viduy: Lost in translation

The superiority of Tefillah

The superiority of Tefillah

To be a great nation

To be a great nation

Searching for solace

Searching for solace

Balaam's worldview

Balaam's worldview

Keep at a distance from the sinners

Keep at a distance from the sinners

The perfect food

The perfect food

Haftarat Naso: What's your name?

Haftarat Naso: What's your name?

The impact of Sinai

The impact of Sinai

Waving away the conflict

Waving away the conflict

Internalizing a Torah Ideal

Internalizing a Torah Ideal

Ha Lachma Anya – A redundant invitation?

Ha Lachma Anya – A redundant invitation?

Parshat Para: Similar, but so different:

Parshat Para: Similar, but so different:

Megillat Esther: The moment of decision

Megillat Esther: The moment of decision

Everlasting impact

Everlasting impact

Perfect balance

Perfect balance

Unsteady belief?

Unsteady belief?

Vayigash: No soap opera here

Vayigash: No soap opera here

Miketz: The Sommelier

Miketz: The Sommelier

Vayeshev: The evil wife

Vayeshev: The evil wife

We bid you adieu

We bid you adieu

Divergent paths

Divergent paths

Good or bad?

Good or bad?

To look or not to look

To look or not to look

10 reasons for blowing the shofar

10 reasons for blowing the shofar

The real blessing

The real blessing

Three in order

Three in order

Internalizing the tragedy of Tisha B'Av

Internalizing the tragedy of Tisha B'Av

Standing in for Moshe

Standing in for Moshe

What Is fair?

What Is fair?

No menial task

No menial task

Threading the line

Threading the line

Purim ushers in a new era

Purim ushers in a new era

The fall of the Egyptian Empire

The fall of the Egyptian Empire

Mr. Nice Guy

Mr. Nice Guy

Please be compassionate

Please be compassionate

Natural order

Natural order

New ideas in the festivals

New ideas in the festivals

Balak (Diaspora): No one is perfect

Balak (Diaspora): No one is perfect

Behaalotcha (Diaspora): The mysterious sin

Behaalotcha (Diaspora): The mysterious sin

Bechukotai (Israel):Following the formula

Bechukotai (Israel):Following the formula

Parshat Kedoshim: Yes, it is harmful!

Parshat Kedoshim: Yes, it is harmful!

Looking back at the Seder: Hallel Hagadol

Looking back at the Seder: Hallel Hagadol

The Purim story is not just the good guys against the bad guys

The Purim story is not just the good guys against the bad guys

The Mishkan of Edut

The Mishkan of Edut

Ki Tisa: Unfolding tragedy

Ki Tisa: Unfolding tragedy

How Far Does the Exodus Story Go?

How Far Does the Exodus Story Go?