News and updates about Polish

Polish composer won't meet government representatives
Polish composer Zbigniew Preisner to receive lifetime achievement award at Haifa Film Festival.

'Spengler' responds to Polish 'Jewish truth' smear
Influential analyst hits back at Polish journalist, notes the last Polish Gentile to win a Nobel in science was Madame Curie in 1911.

Polish priest: Truth for Jews is whatever’s beneficial to them
'For us, the truth corresponds to facts. For the Jew, truth means something that conforms to his understanding of what’s beneficial.'

Swastikas scrawled on entrance of Polish embassy
Anonymous persons write Nazi symbols, anti-Polish expletives at entrance to Polish embassy in Tel Aviv.

Watch: Polish women speak out against sharia law
Polish protesters gather to protest Islamic law in their country.

Polish Shechita Vote 'A Clear Violation of Religious Freedom"
Vote on ritual slaughter in Poland "was a clear violation of religious freedom, supported by ignorance of some and bigotry of others"

'Intellectual Exile' Demanded for Anti-Semitic Polish Historian
Wiesenthal demands suspension of Polish historian who claimed "Jews themselves participated in murder of their own people."

Polish MEP Slams EU-Led Action Against 'Violent Settlers'
Polish MEP denounced EU-led action on so-called “violent settlers”, insisting that Israel, alone, deal with it as an “internal matter”.