Shabak, IDF Capture Failed Fatah Terror Gang
The Shabak and IDF busted a terror gang that was involved in a shooting attack near Neve Tzuf in December. Fortunately, they missed.
The Shabak and IDF busted a terror gang that was involved in a shooting attack near Neve Tzuf in December. Fortunately, they missed.
Police found the driver, 69, bleeding at the side of the road near Neveh Tzuf in Binyamin.
A gang of Palestinian Authority Arabs rioted Monday near the entrance of the Samaria (Shomron) Jewish community of Neve Tzuf.
The IDF is investigating the death of a PA Arab rioter after he was hit by a tear gas canister while hurling rocks at IDF soldiers.
Palestinian Authority Arab terrorists launched rocket attacks on southern Israel, and rioting on the road further north.
Subversives openly plot how to surprise the IDF Friday at a regular hotspot in Samaria.