
Moshe Kempinski

News and updates about Moshe Kempinski

The sweetness of the tree

Every fruit, every tree, every flower in Israel is a testament to G-d’s promises.

The sweetness of the tree

Yibum, the Levirate Marriage

The concept of inter-generational connection and obligation has been lost in the value system of most of the world, but not in a Torah life.

Yibum, the Levirate Marriage

Jerusalem yearnings

The yearning was there in Europe's ghettos, Middle East casbahs, the hills of Gondar in Ethiopia, even in the concentration camps.

Jerusalem yearnings

Spiritual aliya

At Mount Sinai, Heaven touched the Earth. When we returned to the land of Israel, the Earth reached up to touch the Heavens.

Spiritual aliya

Lessons from the Torah reading: Compassionate speaking

This Shabbat we read EMOR. Leviticus 21:1–24:23, in which we learn of the different ways Hashem spoke to His people..

Lessons from the Torah reading: Compassionate speaking

Changing Names

Changing Names

Consolation within Rebuke

Consolation within Rebuke

Depending on Miracles

Depending on Miracles

Hukkat: Why a Serpent?

Hukkat: Why a Serpent?

The Parsha: Achieving Holiness

The Parsha: Achieving Holiness

States of Being

States of Being

Aharon and The Clouds of Glory

Aharon and The Clouds of Glory

The Aleph of Relationship

The Aleph of Relationship

Going Forward with Joy

Going Forward with Joy

A Reading that Begins and Ends With War

A Reading that Begins and Ends With War

The Fruits of Israel

The Fruits of Israel

"You Have Begun"

"You Have Begun"

Shabbat Hazon: One Thing I Request

Shabbat Hazon: One Thing I Request

Mattot Masei - Aliyah Journeys

Mattot Masei - Aliyah Journeys

The Three Weeks: A Dagerous Bridge

The Three Weeks: A Dagerous Bridge

The Need to Yearn

The Need to Yearn

The Nazir's Vow

The Nazir's Vow

Behind the Mask

Behind the Mask

A House Built of Yearning

A House Built of Yearning

Yitro: Israel and the Nations

Yitro: Israel and the Nations

To Truly Sing

To Truly Sing

The Lessons of the Moon

The Lessons of the Moon

Healing a Fractured Family

Healing a Fractured Family

Ehud Barak and the Hanukkah Lights

Ehud Barak and the Hanukkah Lights

Toldot: Sibling Spiritual Rivalry

Toldot: Sibling  Spiritual Rivalry

Reb Shlomo and Infinite Possibilities

Reb Shlomo and Infinite Possibilities

Noach, Avraham and Prayer

Noach, Avraham and Prayer

Kohellet - Days of Joy

Kohellet - Days of Joy

The Covering

The Covering

The Real Danger of 'September'

The Real Danger of 'September'

Justice and trees

Justice and trees

Re'eh: Use Sight as a Blessing

Re'eh: Use Sight as a Blessing

The Universal Yearning

The Universal Yearning

Dvarim: A Clear Vision

Dvarim: A Clear Vision

With All Your Heart

With All Your Heart

Balak: The True Battleground

Balak: The True Battleground

Chukat: The HIgh Price of Anger

Chukat: The HIgh Price of Anger

The Prayers of Moshe and Samuel

The Prayers of Moshe and Samuel

Behalotcha: The Letter Nun

Behalotcha: The Letter Nun

Naso: Unique Sameness

Naso: Unique Sameness

Counting and Responsibility

Counting and Responsibility

Behar: When You Come to the Land

Behar: When You Come to the Land



Counting the Omer: From or To

Counting the Omer: From or To

Achrei Mot: Towards True Freedom

Achrei Mot: Towards True Freedom

Metzora: Out of Exile

Metzora: Out of Exile

A Divine Act of Lovingkindness

A Divine Act of Lovingkindness

Shmini: A Jewish Army's Strength

Shmini: A Jewish Army's Strength

Gathering the Ashes

Gathering the Ashes

Vayikra: Purim's Shrinking Aleph

Vayikra: Purim's Shrinking Aleph

Pekudei: Clouds of G-d's Glory

Pekudei: Clouds of G-d's Glory

"Six Days Work Shall be Done"

"Six Days Work Shall be Done"

True Leaders and Priestly Garb

True Leaders and Priestly Garb

Teruma: Made of Acacia Wood

Teruma: Made of Acacia Wood

Mishpatim: Food as Prayer

Mishpatim: Food as Prayer