Who performed Bris Milah on Moshe’s son?
Can there possibly be anyone who says that a woman is not fit to perform circumcision if the Torah describes Zipporah doing so?
Can there possibly be anyone who says that a woman is not fit to perform circumcision if the Torah describes Zipporah doing so?
Rivka emerges as the more perceptive parent in this parsha. There is more to this than it seems.
In our generations there seems no one known to us who fits the criteria of an Avraham, a Moshe, a Shmuel to whom God would reveal his plans.
"How many individuals across the face of history have made a real difference simply because they were willing and able to finish the task?"
The Manchester Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Yehudah Zev Segal and the Shem Mishmuel, Rebbe of Sochaczev (both zts"l) on Sukkot and joy.