
Moshe Burt

News and updates about Moshe Burt

Who performed Bris Milah on Moshe’s son?

Can there possibly be anyone who says that a woman is not fit to perform circumcision if the Torah describes Zipporah doing so?

Who performed Bris Milah on Moshe’s son?


Preserving the Mesorah, a challenge for Olim and their offspring

Rivka emerges as the more perceptive parent in this parsha. There is more to this than it seems.

Preserving the Mesorah, a challenge for Olim and their offspring

Why did Hashem reveal his intent to destroy Sodom to Abraham?

In our generations there seems no one known to us who fits the criteria of an Avraham, a Moshe, a Shmuel to whom God would reveal his plans.

Why did Hashem reveal his intent to destroy Sodom to Abraham?

Abraham - the paradigm for all Jewry

"How many individuals across the face of history have made a real difference simply because they were willing and able to finish the task?"

Abraham - the paradigm for all Jewry

The season of our gladness

The Manchester Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Yehudah Zev Segal and the Shem Mishmuel, Rebbe of Sochaczev (both zts"l) on Sukkot and joy.

The season of our gladness

Ki Teitsei: Collective Kindness, Unity

Ki Teitsei: Collective Kindness, Unity

Eikev: The Heel of One's Foot

Eikev: The Heel of One's Foot

What Characterized Pinchas?

What Characterized Pinchas?

Behar (Israel): Who Really Loves the Land?

Behar (Israel): Who Really Loves the Land?

The High Priest's Clothing as a Paradigm

The High Priest's Clothing as a Paradigm

Giving our Heart's Desire

Giving our Heart's Desire

Yitro's True Motivation

Yitro's True Motivation

Moshe's Paradigm of Unity and Empathy

Moshe's Paradigm of Unity and Empathy

Brit Milah and Korban Pesach

Brit Milah and Korban Pesach

False Perceptions Vs Hashem’s Will - Then and Now?

False Perceptions Vs Hashem’s Will - Then and Now?

Contrasting Avraham, Sodom, and Israel in 5772

Contrasting Avraham, Sodom, and Israel in 5772

Zealots, Unity, and the Galbanum in the Incense

Zealots, Unity, and the Galbanum in the Incense

Cities of Refuge, Cities of Hope

Cities of Refuge, Cities of Hope

The Pain of Not Possessing All of Eretz Yisrael

The Pain of Not Possessing All of Eretz Yisrael

Why did Rabbi Amnon Weaken?

Why did Rabbi Amnon Weaken?

Ki Tavo: Thoughtful Mitzvot

Ki Tavo: Thoughtful Mitzvot

Dayenu 5770

Dayenu 5770

Vayishlach: Spiritual Honesty

Vayishlach: Spiritual Honesty

<I>Vayigash</i>: Learning the Lesson of Unity

<I>Vayigash</i>: Learning the Lesson of Unity

<I>Ki Tetzei</I>: Care, Kindness and Responsibility

<I>Ki Tetzei</I>: Care, Kindness and Responsibility

<I>Mishpatim</i>: Honesty, Principle and Unity

<I>Mishpatim</i>: Honesty, Principle and Unity

<I>Vayera</I>: Today's Lessons of Sodom

 <I>Vayera</I>: Today's Lessons of Sodom

Parsha Yithro 5766: Awaiting Just Law, Enforcement and Justice

 Parsha Yithro 5766: Awaiting Just Law, Enforcement and Justice

<i>Nitzavim</i>: Pollard and Our Gush Katif Brethren

<i>Nitzavim</i>: Pollard and Our Gush Katif Brethren

<I>Chukat</I>: Sin, Rectification, Unity and Rachel <I>Imeinu</I>

 <I>Chukat</I>: Sin, Rectification, Unity and Rachel <I>Imeinu</I>

Purim, <I>Tzav Shemoneh</I> and a <I>Sefer Torah</I>

 Purim, <I>Tzav Shemoneh</I> and a <I>Sefer Torah</I>

Tu B'Shevat: Renewal and New Life in Eretz Yisrael

 Tu B'Shevat: Renewal and New Life in Eretz Yisrael

But What If...

But What If...

Beware of the "Monkey on Your Back"

 Beware of the "Monkey on Your Back"

<I>Shoftim</I>: Justice and <I>Yad Hashem</I>

 <I>Shoftim</I>: Justice and <I>Yad Hashem</I>

<I>Eikev</I>: The Trickle-Up Effect

 <I>Eikev</I>: The Trickle-Up Effect

<I>Balak</I>: "How Goodly Are Your Tents"

 <I>Balak</I>: "How Goodly Are Your Tents"

<I>Shemittah</I> and Gush Katif

 <I>Shemittah</I> and Gush Katif

A Kohen's Bracha

 A Kohen's Bracha

<i>T'ruma</i> and Its Relevancy Today

 <i>T'ruma</i> and Its Relevancy Today

Good News, Bad News and the Kahane <i>Shul</I>

 Good News, Bad News and the Kahane <i>Shul</I>

Self-Respect and Self-Image

  Self-Respect and Self-Image

Gatekeepers of Social Entitlements

 Gatekeepers of Social Entitlements

Haran and <i>Emunah</i> vs. <i>Cheshbonot</I>

 Haran and <i>Emunah</i> vs. <i>Cheshbonot</I>

A Clear & Present Danger

 A Clear & Present Danger

<i>Va'etchanan</i>: Between Hopelessness & <i>Ge'ula</I>

 <i>Va'etchanan</i>: Between Hopelessness & <i>Ge'ula</I>

Israel, the Nations & Agreements

Israel, the Nations & Agreements

"Roadmaps" and Jewish Grasshoppers

 "Roadmaps" and Jewish Grasshoppers

<i>Bechukotai</I>: Blessing or Reproof?

 <i>Bechukotai</I>: Blessing or Reproof?

<i>Emor</i>: Purity and Unity of the <i>Kohen</i>

 <i>Emor</i>: Purity and Unity of the <i>Kohen</i>

Roadmaps, Jonathan Pollard and <i>Dayenu</i>

 Roadmaps, Jonathan Pollard and <i>Dayenu</i>

<i>Pekudei</i>: Unity, Responsibility & Rectification

 <i>Pekudei</i>: Unity, Responsibility & Rectification

The Real Superbowl

 The Real Superbowl

Election Fairness and Rabbi Hillel - On One Foot

 Election Fairness and Rabbi Hillel - On One Foot

Voting Dilemmas and Nationalist Unity

 Voting Dilemmas and Nationalist Unity

What is <i>Hasbara</i>?

 What is <i>Hasbara</i>?

<I>Ki Tavo:</I> A Torah of Stone, A Torah of Parchment

 <I>Ki Tavo:</I> A Torah of Stone, A Torah of Parchment

&quot;What? Is Pollard Ill?&quot;

 &quot;What? Is Pollard Ill?&quot;

Prayer, <I>Mitzvot</I> and Unity

 Prayer, <I>Mitzvot</I> and Unity

Parshat Bo and Faith in God

 Parshat Bo and Faith in God