Why does the firsst mitzva sanctify the moon?
The underlying message of our reckoning by the moon, is that the moon is at times in absolute darkness, without even a sliver of light, yet even at this time, we know that it will soon return.
The underlying message of our reckoning by the moon, is that the moon is at times in absolute darkness, without even a sliver of light, yet even at this time, we know that it will soon return.
The Torah profits from our joy. As we complete the Torah, the Torah is complete. What can we do to be more complete ourselves?
Admitting that we were wrong and that everything we said about another person sprung from our narcissism or insecurity is embarrassing.
How will this mitzva survive if we eradicae poverty?
Young Religious Zionist Torah scholars ask: Why did the Torah tell us that the mitzva of Orla started only when we entered the land?:
It is not so simple to go from bondage to freedom.
How much do we need to concentrate when performing a mitzva?
What to do if it rains, who is obligated to eat in the sukkah and what foods obligate eating in it. A primer for the holiday.
Read what Torah luminaries say about Hakhel, the next to last mitzva in the Torah: the reasons for it, its timing and its effect
The first mention of cancellation in case of non-observance of mitzvot appears in the ‘Beit Yitzchak’ responsa about a hundred years ago.
Commentators from the Dubnow Maggid to Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv on what the sin of behaving casually with Hashem means.
A wondrous midrash provides a clarification and way of looking at a difficult mitzva that we must observe on Pesach but all year as well.
Wouldn't the mitzva to love one's neighbor be a suitable first commandment to the Jewish people? Why the establishment of the new month?
The deaths of Nadav and Avihu in Parashat Shmini coupled with reading about the Red Heifer - we can neither add to or fathom mitzvot..
When you do good deeds or refrain from bad ones, the evil inclination is happy for G-d.
The mitzva of marital relations as central to the life of the home is well established in Judaism, while. Christianity minimizes its value.
Become an expert in one mitzvah and gradually expand to a second, a third, a fourth one, and eventually the total mitzvah-life
Torah is an all-encompassing circle in which all laws are equidistant from Hashem, as Parashat Mishpatim shows.
The reward for honoring one’s parents holds only in Eretz Yisrael; it is not the individual’s length of days, but that of the entire nation.
What if Medinat Yisrael would have been established 100 years earlier in 1848, and not 1948?
Keren Hashana is The Daily Giving Fund. Make one contribution and get the Mitzvah every single day of the year.
You gave the rabbis in Italy your word that you would not denigrate “Pharisees” in your sermons but you are doiing it again. Op-ed.
The Red Heifer's meaning is not known, ’It is a decree from Hashem, and we do not question it.’ So how does it atone for the golden calf?
Recognizing our heritage and customs (Halakha) preserves the integrity and unity of the Jewish people of all levels of observance. Op-ed.
A mother writes: "My children's abandoning mitzva observance is eating me up inside. How do I get through this? What should I do, rabbi?"
The Chief Rabbi’s D’var Torah for Parshat Beshalach
Every mitzva you do is alive forever. It hovers in the air, in the atmosphere. And one day its merit might help you - or all of Am Yisrael.
Our Father is screaming at us to return. He is making it clear that technology, treaties, and allies will not protect us from this plague.
Young Religious Zionist Torah scholars present thought on the Land of Israel: 'The question is not the same in Israel and outside it.'
Our Sages found a pattern in the commandments found in one reading that make up over 12% of all the 613 mitzvot in the Torah.
The rebellious son does not adhere to the positive or negative mitzvas. What is driving him?
Moshe’s message to the people is not to see a burden in the details of mitzva observance, because it is there spirituality is to be found.
Moshe’s fear of Og was not from the physical might of Og, but from Og’s ‘spiritual’ merits
Once, living in Israel involved existential and economic danger, so it was not obligatory, but nowadays the mitzvah obligates every Jew.
The Talmud tells us that the fulfilment of a mitzvah must never threaten human life. Thus, the Torah forbade gatherings during the lockdown.
Workers at Yad Sarah returned treasure trove found inside donated hospital bed back to family.