Yom Herut Yerushalayim: Hidden and revealed miracles
At the Red Sea, in the Holy Temples, in the Six Day War and in Israel today with every missile intercepted by our side - we are witness to G-d's miracles.
At the Red Sea, in the Holy Temples, in the Six Day War and in Israel today with every missile intercepted by our side - we are witness to G-d's miracles.
If, back in 1967, you tried to convince someone that what happened last Saturday night would happen, you would have been committed to an asylum. But it did.
What wisdom, what forethought, what incomprehensibly intricate interdependence is evidenced in the universe around us!
Fire and water intertwined - so can we.
Hashem performs small and grand miracles daily and we must be grateful for them all, from finding lost objects to winning the current war..
As I write, our valiant soldiers are facing off against the Islamic Nazis in Gaza City with miraculous stories of military successes.
Hashem has no other Am Yisrael in this world. So, Hashem “has no choice” but to exercise His right and privilege to save Am YIsrael.
As the reliance on miracles rose, calamities approached. Op-
Rabbi Soloveitchik spoke of Israel's creation as a sign that G-d is knocking on our door. Six knocks then, six since..Op-ed.
How did this tiny, persecuted dispersed people survive and come home after two thousand years? How did they survive at all? Op-ed.
An eye-opening review of the commentators' explanations on the purpose of the staff and the miracle involved.
Multi manifestations of miracles.
Israel's first Cheif Rabbi: 'A blessing for a miracle must include recognition of the benefits of the miracle’s accompanying details.'
The world needs to transform its understanding of its creation by accepting that all is governed by Moral Law in addition to Natural Law.
Are miracles supernatural events or is their timing the heavenly aspect of natural events?
One needs to always remember that behind very dark cloud the sun never ceases to shine and miracles never cease..
The preserve, which in normal times hosts many visitors from the area and the entire country, has experienced severe damage.
Why did Hashem need to split the sea so dramatically after the Ten Plagues? Wasn't there another way?
G-d performed miracles for Bnai Yisrael during the Exodus but he did not purify them miraculously. That had to be a personal effort.
Israel is a land where the miraculous and the natural are indistinguishable .That was true in the time of Joshua and even more in our days.
1980's Washington held three world friction points kickoff arenas for WWIII: Israel/Arabs, India/Pakistan, North/South Korea. Commentary
Woman suffering from ovarian failure discovered pregnancy 6 days before hysterectomy, gives birth to a healthy son.
Arabs hurl barrage of stones at homes: 'There is a war here, police arrived quickly and pulled them out of the houses.'
Miracle drug with Israeli roots saves Jewish hockey player hit with cancer.
Inspiring video from Rabbi Yoel Gold about Jewish unity and faith.