
Merkaz HaRav

News and updates about Merkaz HaRav

Yeshivat Merkaz Harav students celebrate injured soldier's return

Students at Yeshivat Merkaz Harav welcomed Itamar Galinsky, who was seriously injured in combat in Lebanon, 'A visible miracle and immense gratitude to Hashem.'

Yeshivat Merkaz Harav students celebrate injured soldier's return

Author Simcha Raz dies age 93

Simcha Raz, who authored dozens of books on Shabbat and Jewish holidays, and great Jewish figures throughout the generations, dies age 93.

Author Simcha Raz dies age 93

Celebrating Sukkot in Israel?

Where to party like they did in the temple

Every night, a temple-period celebration is brought to life in countless locations across the country.

Where to party like they did in the temple

Photo gallery: Jerusalem Day in Mercaz Harav Yeshiva

Photographer Haim Twito presents photographs of the annual Jerusalem Day event at Mercaz Harav Yeshiva.

Photo gallery: Jerusalem Day in Mercaz Harav Yeshiva

Netanyahu at Mercaz Harav:

'We won't have a better government, time to stop threatening'

Prime Minister sends hint to members of the coalition in his speech at the Jerusalem Day rally held at the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva.

'We won't have a better government, time to stop threatening'

'Second hakafot' at Merkaz Harav Yeshiva

'Second hakafot' held in Merkaz Harav Yeshiva, parallel to customary 'second hakafot' celebrations in Beit Harav Kook.

'Second hakafot' at Merkaz Harav Yeshiva

My first day at Yeshiva was almost my last

The 1st day at post high school yeshiva, the 1st of Elul, hit me like a ton of bricks. I wanted to run away. A message for bein hazmanim.

My first day at Yeshiva was almost my last

A glimpse of greatness - accompanying Rav Avraham Shapira zts"l

Chief Rabbi and Merkaz Harav Rosh Yeshiva Rav Avraham Shapira's yahrzeit is the 1st day of Sukkot. A close talmid talks about his mentor.

A glimpse of greatness - accompanying Rav Avraham Shapira zts"l

An angel amongst men - Rabbi Avraham Elkana Shapira zts"l

The first day of Sukkot is the 15th yahrzeit of the revered Chief Rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva of Merkaz Harav. On seeing angels and life's depth.

An angel amongst men - Rabbi Avraham Elkana Shapira zts"l

How do you choose a Rabbi? Remembering HaRav Avraham Shapira

We asked if a Jewish government may surrender parts of Eretz Yisrael, and he said ‘Why ask me a question every child in Heder can answer?'

How do you choose a Rabbi? Remembering HaRav Avraham Shapira

On Jerusalem Day: Songs for the recovery of Chief Rabbi's wife

At Jerusalem Day event, singer Avraham Fried dedicates song to recovery of Rebbetzin Tzippora Lau, wife of Chief Rabbi David Lau.

On Jerusalem Day: Songs for the recovery of Chief Rabbi's wife

Watch: Jerusalem Day celebrations at Merkaz Harav Yeshiva

Jerusalem's Merkaz Harav Yeshiva celebrates Jerusalem Day, on Saturday night. Watch.

Watch: Jerusalem Day celebrations at Merkaz Harav Yeshiva

Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook – educator of generations

​​​​​​​The yeshivot, mechinot and midrashot for men and women were established through the power of Rav Tzvi Yehuda and his teachings.

Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook – educator of generations

Watch: Songs of praise and thanks for Israel's Independence Day

Celebrating Israel's 73rd Independence Day, the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva holds festive prayers, singing and dancing. Watch.

Watch: Songs of praise and thanks for Israel's Independence Day

Nissan: 'How splendid this tree is!'

Torah from the late dean of Merkaz Harav Yeshiva, the 'father of the settlement movement' to whom every bit of Israel's earth was holy.

Nissan: 'How splendid this tree is!'

Merkaz HaRav sends students home

The Rosh Yeshiva of Merkaz Harav has issued a letter asking his students to switch to distance learning.

Merkaz HaRav sends students home

Rabbi Yaakov Shapira: The Torah tells us to keep the guidelines

Head of Merkaz Harav yeshiva says Jewish law requires public to protect their health and the health of others during pandemic.

Rabbi Yaakov Shapira: The Torah tells us to keep the guidelines

"There was only one Abraham" - in memory of Rav Avraham Shapira

Erev Sukkot is the yahrzeit of the Torah Gaon, intrepid Chief Rabbi and head of Merkaz Harav Yeshiva, A glimpse into the life of a tzaddik.

"There was only one Abraham" - in memory of Rav Avraham Shapira

Nitzavim-Vayelech: All for one and one for all

To what extent do I view myself as part of the nation, feel responsible for my fellow Jews? These are questions we must ask ourselves.

Nitzavim-Vayelech: All for one and one for all

The Challenge of Greatness: Spirituality in the Land of Israel

The generation in the desert did not achieve the spiritual greatness which would allow working the land without losing spirituality.

The Challenge of Greatness: Spirituality in the Land of Israel

The collective honor of Am Yisrael

Moses prayed 515 times to no avail. But in rejecting Moshe’s prayers, Hashem was enhancing the honor of the collective of Am Yisrael.

The collective honor of Am Yisrael

It is all in the details

Moshe’s message to the people is not to see a burden in the details of mitzva observance, because it is there spirituality is to be found.

It is all in the details

“Torah She’baal Peh”: The implicit Torah

When a person truly identifies with the Torah he also understands things that have not been said explicitly.

“Torah She’baal Peh”: The implicit Torah

Pinchas: The Tamid offering performed at Sinai

Torah from Israell's first Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi, the iconic Torah Luminary and undisputed leader of Religious Zionism.

 Pinchas: The Tamid offering performed at Sinai

National redemption and private protection

Torah from Israel's first Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi, the iconic leader of Religious Zionism.

National redemption and private protection

Connecting agriculture and history in the Land of Israel

Are the three pilgrimage festivals agriculturally or historically based? The answer lies in the connection between the two.

Connecting agriculture and history in the Land of Israel

Psalm 105:  Our ties to the Land of Israel

Psalm 105:  Our ties to the Land of Israel

Psalm 91: Dwelling on High

Psalm 91: Dwelling on High

The Great Call

The Great Call

Merkaz HaRav:

'They're streaming to come here with fire in their eyes'

'We study not only for ourselves; the Torah we study here is Torah of the Jewish People, helping the Nation of Israel thrive in its land.'

'They're streaming to come here with fire in their eyes'

Merkaz HaRav looks to the future

The Mother of the Zionist yeshivot, Merkaz Harav, with about 600 students, embarks on unique mass mobilization campaign.

Merkaz HaRav looks to the future

Beha'alotecha: The seven lamps of the Menorah

Beha'alotecha: The seven lamps of the Menorah

The Kotzkzer, Rabbi Soloveitchik and Israel's going out to war

The Kotzkzer, Rabbi Soloveitchik and Israel's going out to war

Religious coercion issue could weaken the Right in the coming election

Religious coercion issue could weaken the Right in the coming election

Watch: Independence Day celebrations at the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva

Merkaz Harav Yeshiva in Jerusalem celebrates the 71st anniversary of Israel’s independence.

Watch: Independence Day celebrations at the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva

First time in English: The radiance of Torah on Hanukkah

First time in English: The radiance of Torah on Hanukkah

Vayishlach: Reliance on miracles

Vayishlach: Reliance on miracles

Toldot: Abraham kept Mitzvot

Toldot: Abraham kept Mitzvot 

Rabbi Yosef Wald from Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav passes away

Late Rabbi who served as teacher and also as researcher at Halacha Berura Institute passes away during holiday.

Rabbi Yosef Wald from Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav passes away

The Holocaust - Why?

The Holocaust - Why?

Watch: "There was only one Abraham" – a Tzaddik in our times

Watch: "There was only one Abraham" –  a Tzaddik in our times

Vayishlach: "I have an ox and a donkey"

Vayishlach: "I have an ox and a donkey"

Officer who eliminated terrorist to command Binyamin brigade

Lt. David Shapiro, who killed terrorist in middle of Mercaz Harav massacre in 2008, tapped to command regional brigade in Samaria.

Officer who eliminated terrorist to command Binyamin brigade

Thousands at Sukkot celebration in Merkaz Harav Yeshiva

Thousands celebrate Simchat Beit Hashoeva at Jerusalem's Merkaz Harav Yeshiva, together with Yeshiva Dean Rabbi Yaakov Shapira.

Thousands at Sukkot celebration in Merkaz Harav Yeshiva

UK Ambassador: What is Religious Zionism's credo?

Ambassador David Quarrey meets with Merkaz HaRav dean and staff to learn about Religious Zionism's approach to the Jewish State..

UK Ambassador: What is Religious Zionism's credo?

Watch: Eyewitnesses tell of the liberation of Jerusalem

Watch:  Eyewitnesses tell of the liberation of Jerusalem

There is no Hebrew word for history

There is no Hebrew word for history

Vayakhel-Pekudei: Art and Creation

Vayakhel-Pekudei: Art and Creation

In Memoriam: the teachings of Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook

In Memoriam: the teachings of Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook

WATCH: Thousands celeberate Sukkot in Merkaz Harav

Thousands attend traditional Sukkot celebration in Merkaz Harav yeshiva.

WATCH: Thousands celeberate Sukkot in Merkaz Harav

The Teshuva of Rosh Hashanah

 The Teshuva of Rosh Hashanah

Jerusalem celebrates 49 years of liberation

Students at the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva dance and sing in honor of holiday.

Jerusalem celebrates 49 years of liberation

'Eight years after the massacre, we only miss them more'

Merkaz Harav Yeshiva holds memorial for 8 students murdered in 2008 attack; 'they were one like the 8 branches of the menorah.'

'Eight years after the massacre, we only miss them more'

Why Didn't the Shin Bet Report Attackers' Terror Ties?

Council Arieh King reveals family of terrorists in Tuesday's attack 'are third generation terrorists,' employers weren't told.

Why Didn't the Shin Bet Report Attackers' Terror Ties?

Watch: Thousands Party at Religious Zionist Flagship Yeshiva

Leading figures in religious Zionism attend annual Sukkot celebration harkening back to Temple times.

Watch: Thousands Party at Religious Zionist Flagship Yeshiva

Rav Kook's Message:: Stay in the Land!

Rav Kook's Message:: Stay in the Land!

Shlach: Offering Wine and Flour

Shlach: Offering Wine and Flour

The Wilderness and Jerusalem

The Wilderness and Jerusalem

Man vs. Mosquito

Man vs. Mosquito

Jerusalem Celebrates Purim

Watch celebrations of Purim in Jerusalem’s Merkaz Harav yeshiva.

Jerusalem Celebrates Purim