Arab employee attacks female IDF soldiers at McDonald's
IDF soldiers attacked in McDonald's, police arrest 18-year-old employee.
IDF soldiers attacked in McDonald's, police arrest 18-year-old employee.
Global fast-food company rushes to purchase 225 Israeli branches after being targeted by BDS campaign over Israeli branch's support for IDF soldiers.
The movement targeted McDonald's after Israeli shops began distributing free meals to members of security forces.
At initiative of IDF Rabbinate, Israel's three largest hamburger chains are switching to mehadrin-level kosher meat in light of the complications of food donations to the military during the war.
'Israel spends tens of millions fighting BDS worldwide but is afraid to do so at home,' Samaria Regional Council chairman Yossi Dagan says.
McDonald's wins tender despite the calls to activate the Boycott Law against it due to its refusal to open franchises in Judea and Samaria.
Samaria leader Yossi Dagan: McDonald’s shouldn't be given tender to open at Ben Gurion because it won't open branches in Judea and Samaria.
After McDonald's said it would boycott Judea and Samaria, Bennett promised to eat at first branch opened in Ariel by Burgeranch competitor.
Likud MK says fast food franchise owner has the right to boycott Ariel and lose money over his beliefs.
MK Miri Regev (Likud) blasts franchise owner Omri Padan over “hypocritical, ugly” boycott of Ariel.
Fast food chain McDonald’s is the biggest loser from its own decision to boycott the city of Ariel, says Mayor Eliyahu Shviro.
“McDonald’s - I’m not lovin’ it,” reads a post on the My Israel Facebook page after McDonald's Israel refused to place a branch in Ariel.